More than 200 foreign students study today at CMC MSU. They come from Colombia, China, USA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Serbia,Tajikistan, The Republic of Korea, Iran, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Republic of Yemen, Moldova and other countries.
CMC MSU students receive deep fundamental education in applied mathematics, statistics, informatics and computer science. They are taught to think globally and are well known for their non-standard approach to problem solving. As a result many of them hold important positions in academic institutions, universities, in industry, financial and trade organizations, companies and banks both in Russia and abroad.
Academic programs
BACHELOR DEGREE (4 years full-time)
Entry Requirements: Secondary Education Certificate
Language of training: Russian
During the first two years students are trained in the fundamental disciplines forming the basis of modern applied mathematics, computer and information sciences studies.
Basic courses: Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Differential Equations, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Introduction to Informatics, Algorithms and Algorithmic Languages (C, C++), Computer Systems Architecture and Assembler, System Software, Operating Systems (UNIX, WINDOWS), Applied Software, Computer Graphics
From the third year every student continues a specialized training according to the curriculum of the chosen Department. A large number of special courses and seminars allow students to shape their training according to individual interests. On graduation students are awarded a BSc Degree.
Direction: Applied Mathematics and Informatics
- Mathematical and computer methods for solving problems of natural science
- Mathematical methods of information processing and decision making
- System Programming and Computer Science
Direction: Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
- Business Informatics
- Software Engineering
MASTER DEGREE (2 years full-time)
Entry requirements: BSc Diploma in Applied Mathematics/ Computer Science/ Informatics or related fields.
The object of the Master's period of study is to deepen students' knowledge and practical skills in the chosen program. The students will join an special seminar supervised by a scientific advisor, take part in a research project and present a Master's theses.
CMC MSU offers two types of two-year Masters' programs: Bologna-style programs and integrated programs.
Bologna-style Masters' programs are designed to teach a wide range of applicants from all over the world who have received a Bachelor's degree not necessarily from Moscow State University, but nevertheless have a fairly high level of knowledge in mathematics, informatics, computer science and related topics.
Bologna-style Masters' programs in the direction: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Network software (in Russian)
- Mathematical methods of information security (in Russian, not available since 2020)
- High performance computing and supercomputer technologies (in Russian)
- Applied Internet technologies (in Russian)
- Big data: infrastructures and methods (in Russian)
- Advanced computing and networks (CMC MSU – Skoltech Masters' Program in English (There is no enrollment in 2024)
Bologna-style Masters' programs in the direction: Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
- Open information systems (in Russian)
Integrated Master's (IM) programs are based and continue the curriculum of the corresponding four-year Bachelor stage of CMC MSU educational programs. IM programs are intended for graduates of the Moscow State University in similar areas, as well as for graduates of other universities who have demonstrated a high level of training in applied mathematics and computer science. All IM programs are taught in Russian.
Integrated Master's programs in the direction: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Profile "Mathematical and computational methods for solving problems of natural science"
- Computer methods in mathematical physics, inverse problems and imaging
- Computing technologies and modeling
- Modern methods of mathematical modeling
- Numerical methods and mathematical modeling
- Spectral theory of differential operators and control of distributed systems
- Multiscale Modeling and Data Analysis Techniques in Natural Science Research
Profile "Mathematical methods of information processing and decision making"
- Operations research and actuarial mathematics
- Discrete structures and algorithms
- Discrete controlling systems and their applications
- Statistical analysis and forecasting of risks
- Information security of computer systems
- Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity
- The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems: analysis, synthesis and control
- Mathematical methods of modeling and optimization techniques for control processes
- Logical and combinatorial methods of data analysis
- Mathematical methods of system analysis, dynamics and control
Profile "System programming and computer science"
- Intelligent systems
- Big data mining
- Compiler technology
- Programming technology
- Supercomputer systems and applications
- Distributed systems and computer networks
- Computer vision, graphics and image processing
- Quantum Informatics
PhD. DEGREE (4 years full-time)
Entry requirements: MSc Diploma or Specialist Diploma in Applied Mathematics/ Computer Science/ Informatics
Language of training: Russian
Postgraduate students are trained by individual plans. During this period students have to take five examinations and present Ph.D. theses, which are prepared under supervision of leading professors of the Faculty.
1. Tuition fee for 2024-2025 academic year
Bachelor (BSc)Applied Mathematics and Informatics 4 years 428 040 - 449 960 RUB (annual)
Bachelor (BSc)Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies 4 years 428 040 - 449 960 RUB (annual)
Master (MSc) Applied Mathematics and Informatics 2 years
451 820 - 492 930 RUB (annual)
Master (MSc) Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies 2 years 451 820 - 492 930 RUB (annual)
Candidate of Science (PhD) Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 3-4 years RUB (annual)
Scientific Internship from 1 month 48 000 RUB (per month)
Educational Training from 1 month 36 000-48 000 RUB (per month; depends on the chosen hours)
Academic year lasts for 10 months: from September 01 to June 30.
The tuition fee is fixed for the whole period of study.
2. Hostel accommodation
Rent for apartments in the University campus ranges from 12 000 to 15 000 RUB per month. The number of places is limited.
3. Medical insurance
9 000-15 000 RUB per year
4. Living expenses
Living expenses may vary, but a single student should plan an income of 30 000 RUB per month to pay for supplies, travel and other expenses.
How to Apply
Submission of documents and applications starts from June 15, 2024.**
In 2024 you can apply remotely via MSU online platform
For admittance to the Entrance Examinations candidate should submit the following documents:
- Originals or copies of documents on education or/and qualifications (degrees) with a complete list of the subjects mastered and obtained grades:
for Bachelor’s (BSс/BA) programs: originals or copies of documents on general secondary education or a document on secondary vocational education and qualifications, or s document on higher education and qualifications;
for Master’s (MSс/MA) programs: original or a copy of a document on higher education and qualifications (not lower than a Bachelor's or a Specialist’s degree);
for Postgraduate (PhD, Doctoral) programs: originals or copies of the documents on higher education and a qualification corresponding to the level of a Specialist or Master.
Notarized translation into Russian of educational documents and supplements indicating subjects studied, grades and credits received;
Copy of a valid passport ; Documents confirming the name change, if the name on educational documents does not match the name on documents proving the identity;
Notarized translation into Russian of the first two pages of the passport / ID and the name change documents;
PDF, JPG, PNG or BMP file with applicant’s photo (30*40 mm, black and white or color image is allowed, taken in 2024, strictly full face (straight), without a headdress, the background should be white).
1) Documents on education received in a foreign state must be legalized, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation. Legalization requirements for different countries are available here.
2) If you have documents on education or education and qualifications obtained outside of Russia, you have to submit an electronic application for recognizing your education as meeting the requirements for admission to Moscow State University. The service is provided free of charge. Link to online platform for submitting applications for recognition of received education.
If you have a certificate of recognition of education received abroad issued by Main State Center for Education Evaluation, you do not need to do this step.
3) Russian translation of education documents and qualifications obtained outside of Russia must be notarized or, alternatively, certified by the Russian Embassy or Consulate in the country where the documents were issued.
The Faculty has the right to request additional information.
The documents for the Bachelor program should be submitted from June 15, 2024 to July 10, 2024
For the Master’s the documents are submitted from June 15, 2024 to July 20, 2024.
Candidates for PhD programs submit the documents from May 20,2024 to June 09, 2024.
Entrance examinations
Bachelor's entrance exams are Mathematics (colloquium), Informatics, Russian language (colloquium).
Master's entrance exam is Applied Mathematics and Informatics (in written) and testing for particular chosen programe.
Candidates for PhD programs exams are Mathematics,Russian language, Philosophy.
The exact dates and the list of the entrance exams will be announced later.
If you successfully pass your exams we shall prepare your educational contract.
Academic Calendar
Academic year for Bachelors, Masters lasts for 10 months:
Fall semester | Spring semester | |
August 25 – August 31 | Registration | January 25 – February 06 |
September 01 | Classes Begin | February 07 |
December 25 – December 31 | Testing period | May 25 – May 31 |
January 03 – January 24 | Examination period | June 01 – June 25 |
January 25 – February 06 | Vacations | June 26 – August 25 |
Address: 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1-52, MSU, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 2nd educational building, 6th floor, room 663
Tel.: +7 (495) 939-54-55
+7 (495) 932-88-51
Admission to CMC MSU for BSc, MSc, PhD and internship programs: (Tatiana Khmyrova) (Anzhelika Sultanova)
WWW: (in Russian) (in English)