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INARM webinar and coordinating meeting at CMC MSU

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On 16 January 2014 CMC MSU and MSHU organized webinar and coordinating meeting of the TEMPUS-IV project INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS (INARM).

14:00-15:30 Webinar with partners from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and Austria.

CMC MSU presented the report

"CMC MSU experience in the organization of interaction with companies, employers and other stakeholders" by S.V.Ziva, B.I.Berezin, A.V.Razgulin, and V.V.Tikhomirov.

For other information on this webinar please follow the link:

12:00-14:00 and 15:30-19:30 - coordinating meeting of Russian working team on the current progress of INARM project elaboration.

Предложения по содержанию и функционированию сайта направляйте по адресу cmcproject@cs.msu.ru.