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XI International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education"

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Date: November 25, 2016 - November 26, 2016.

Place: CMC MSU, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1/52.

Time: 09:00 - 18:00.

Aims and objectives of the XI International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education":

  • to promote researches in the field of theoretical computer science, applied mathematics and computer science, aimed at the development of scientific bases of cognitive and information technologies;
  • to promote scientific research and innovations in the field of cognitive convergence of information technologies and their applications;
  • to promote the development of processes and technologies of informatization of education, training and methodological support of the national IT system of education, as well as promoting innovative pedagogical solutions based on the use of KKIT;
  • to promote research and exchange of experience in the field of open and continuous network education through the use of electronic and mobile learning methods and technologies, innovative educational tool technologies.

The scientific program of the Conference involves work in the following thematic areas:

  • Section 1. IT education: methodology, methodological support.
  • Section 2. E-learning and IT in Education.
  • Section 3. Educational resources and best practices of IT Education.
  • Section 4. Research and development in the field of new IT and their applications.
  • Section 5. Scientific software in education and science.
  • Section 6. School education in computer science and ICT.
  • Section 7. Economic Informatics.
  • Section 8. Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education. Organizing Committee forms a section of the full-time members, who have presented works on International Internet-Conference-Competition "Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education."

A series of master classes, workshops, video conferences under the title "Modern Training Courses and Manuals."

Round Table Discussions on topical issues of IT Education.

Summing up the results of the VI International Internet-Conference-Competition " Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education " - ИП-2016.

Deadline for Registration for authors of scientific papers: October 15, 2016.

Deadline for scientific reports: 15 October 2016

Deadline for Registration for listeners: November 20, 2016

Organizer: Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Official website of the XI International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education"