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Международный семинар на ВМК

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12 июля 2013 г. на факультете ВМК в ауд. 685 прошел международный научно-образовательный семинар факультета ВМК МГУ и компаний Imagination Technologies(США) и NAUTECH(Россия, Украина)

Перспективы разработки и приложения современных цифровых микроэлектронных устройств, формирование образовательных программ в области автоматизации проектирования СБИС.
The future of design and application of the digital microelectronic devices, development of educational programs for CAD software engineers.

На семинаре были прочитаны следующие лекции:

  1. Computational mathematics and cybernetics at Moscow State University by Alexander Razgulin (CMC MSU).

  2. Adaptation of curricula to needs of local markets by Boris Berezin and Alexander Razgulin (CMC MSU).

  3. Digital microelectronic devices and technologies: current trends and new applications by Steve Harris (Imagination Technologies, USA).

  4. Image and video processing algorithms and their implementation in modern microelectronic devices by Dmitry Vatolin (CMC MSU, Graphics and Media Lab).

  5. Analysis and quality assessment of the modern stereoimages and 3D video by Dmitry Vatolin (CMC MSU, Graphics and Media Lab).

  6. Advantages of the fundamental mathematical education for CAD software engineers Michael Shupletsov (CMC MSU, Master's programme Mathematical models and methods of VLSI design).

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