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4th International Science and Technology Conference «Modern Network Technologies, MoNeTec - 2022»

The 4th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Network Technologies (MoNeTec-2022)" will be held from October 27th to 29th 2022. at the congress center of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI).
The conference gathers specialists of the international scientific community, research departments of corporations, start-ups, representatives of industry and business, development institutions, and public authorities to discuss promising and relevant technologies in the field of computer networks, virtualization of network resources, and cloud computing.
By this event we try to cover important issues related to the following conference chapters:
- Data Communication Infrastructure
- QoS control in Data Communication
- Cloud Computing
- Optimization Methods, Tools, and Technologies in Cloud Computing
- Network Function Virtualization and Services
- Edge Computing
- 5/6G Wireless Technologies, Applications and Services
- Future Networking
Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers till 15th of June for presentation at the conference and publication in the MoNeTec 2022 Proceedings. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting.
Please submit your papers via ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by leading experts in networking and cloud technology from Russia, USA, France, China, Finland, Nepal, Sweden, who are members of the MoNeTec-2022 Program Committee. Papers selected after peer review will be published in the Conference Proceedings with the technical support of the IEEE committee indexed in the Scopus system.
Chair – Ruslan Smeliansky Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at Moscow State University.
The General sponsor of the conference is "ELVEES" R&D Center
The Conference will be organized by members of the Russian Universities Consortium "Network and Cloud Technologies", which includes 14 universities and 3 research organizations, MTUCI and the Center for Applied Research of Computer Networks.
The conference is sponsored by the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), and the Information and Control Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.