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About this site

Portal Support Working Group
- Svetlana V. Ziva
- head of the portal support working group
- Pavel A. Tochilin
- portal architect
- Anton Yu. Staroverov
- portal administrator
- Victoria V. Kochkareva
- portal editor
Part of the materials for the portal was provided by the scientific secretary of the Faculty Council Evgenyi Alexandrovich Grigoriev, author-compiler of a biographical reference book "Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics: History and Present”.
The portal was established in accordance with orders of the Dean of CMC Faculty Evgenyi Ivanovich Moiseev № 82a (01 October 2010) and № 04 (17 January 2014).
Organizational work on informational filling of the portal is being conducted on the basis of decisions of the Council of the portal created by the order of the Dean of the Faculty №7 (01 March 2012).