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Second CMC MSU − GSIS Tohoku Joint IT Seminar

The second MSU−Tohoku Joint IT Seminar held on September 7, 2015 at CMC MSU, Leninskie Gory 1/52, room 526a.
Opening 9:30-
Evgeny Moiseev (Academician, Prof, Dean, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics MSU)
Takeshi Tokuyama (Prof, Dean, Graduate School of Information Sciences)
9:50-10:10 Yuri Ozhigov (Professor at the Department of Supercomputers and Quantum Informatics CMC MSU) "Computer Simulation of Quantum Effects and Decoherence in Optical Circuits"
10:15-10:35 Etsuo SEGAWA (Assoc. Professor GSIS) "Mathematical study on quantum walks and its applications"
10:40-11:00 Lozhkin Sergey (Professor at the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics) and Danilov Boris (Scientific Researcher at the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics CMC MSU) "Mathematical Theory and Applications of Discrete Control Systems Master's program: combining theory and practice"
11:05-11:25 Igor TRUSHIN (Assoc. Professor GSIS) Inverse Scattering Problem on Non-Compact Graphs.
11:30-11:50 Yulia Korukhova (Assoc. Professor at the Department of Algorithmic Languages CMC MSU)
"Recent Applications of Automated Reasoning in Computer Science"
Luch Break 11:50-13:30
13:30-13:50 Masao SAKURABA (Assoc. Prof Electrical Communication Institute), Hisanao Akima and Shigeo Sato "Low-Energy Plasma CVD Processing for Quantum Heterointegration of Group IV Semiconductors"
13:55-14:15 Sergey Berezin (Assoc. Professor, head of the Lab of Information Technologies in Science) "FetchClimate: Joint MSU-Microsoft Research Project on Serving Climate Data with Uncertainties"
14:45-15:05 Artem Yatchenko (Scientific Fellow) and Andrey Krylov (Prof. and head of the Lab of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing CMC MSU) "Ultrasonic Color Doppler Flow Heart Image Unwrapping"
14:20-14:40 Yoshifumi SAIJO (Prof, Graduate Schools of Medical Engineering) "Beyond conventional medical ultrasound imaging – High resolution imaging and visualization of two-dimensional blood flow vector"
Small Break 15:05--15:25
15:30-15:50 Kentaro SANO (Assoc. Professor GSIS) "Domain-Specific Language and Compiler for FPGA-based High-Performance Custom Computing"
15:55-16:15 Archil Maysuradze (Assoc. Professor at the Department of Mathematical Methods of Forecasting CMC MSU) "Visualization and Analysis of Networks and Relational Data (includes application of Data Mining to Communication Environments of HPC)"
16:20-16:40 Masanori HARIYAMA (Assoc. Professor GSIS) "Human-Centric Computing Technologies — Medical Information Processing, Big-data/High-performance Computing, High-performance and low-power LSIs —"
Closing: Alexander Razgulin (Prof. CMC MSU) and Junichi Kudoh (Prof. GSIS)
The first Joint IT Seminar held on March 2015 at Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan). More details...