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Международный научный семинар “Advanced Light Scattering Techniques”

В рамках Соглашения о сотрудничестве между факультетом Технологий механики Бременского университета (Бремен, Германия) и факультетом ВМК МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова 31 мая 2019 г. на факультете ВМК прошел международный научный семинар “Advanced Light Scattering Techniques”.
Программа семинара:
Wriedt Thomas ( Dr.-Ing., Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany) "Light scattering by superellipsoids using the Generalized Multipole Method".
Eremin Yuri (CMC MSU, Russia) “Discrete Sources Method for investigating of nonlocal effect influence on the enhancement factor of 3D resonators of the plasmonic nanolaser”.
Lopushenko Vladimir (CMC MSU, Russia) "Spectral Domain Integral Equation Method in Scattering by Plane Particles".
Ustinov Vladislav (CMC MSU, Russia), Nikitin Sergey, and Priezzhev Alexander (Internatioanl Laser Centre, MSU, Russia) “Accuracy analysis of red blood cell deformability distribution assessment by means of laser ektacytometry”.
Lopushenko Ivan (Faculty of Physics, MSU, Russia) "Hybrid scheme of the Discrete Sources Method in problems of plane wave and EELS scattering by nonlocal plasmonic nanoparticles".
Round table discussion: Perspectives of collaboration between scientific groups of IWT, Bremen and CMC MSU in the framework of the Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Collaboration between the Department of Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik of the University of Bremen and the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.