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MTE-2012 at CMC MSU

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Mathematics - Technology - Education 2012

Ibaraki National Technology College Workshop

Moscow State University Session: May 03, 2012

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

16:00-19:00 on May 03, 2012 in room 612.


  1. Equilibrium Behavior in Two-stage Market with Random Factor by E.A.Dailova and A.A.Vasin.

  2. Optimal Path of the Target at the Start of Thermonuclear Reaction by E.A.Malinina and A.Belolipetskiy.

  3. Investigation of the MHD Stability in the Aluminium Electrolyzer by N.P.Savenkova, S.V.Anpilov, A.V.Kalmykov, and R.N.Kuzmin.

  4. Optical Features of the Long-lasting Thoroidal Plasmoids by N.P.Savenkova, A.P.Makarova, and R.N.Kuzmin.

  5. Two Approaches to the Multidimensional Soliton Search by N.P.Savenkova and V.S.Laponin.

  6. Mathematical Modeling of the Vortex Structure Dynamics by N.P.Savenkova, S.A.Skladchikov, and U.Yusupaliev.

  7. Matrix Fourier Filtering and its Application to the Pattern Formation in Feedback Optical System by S.V.Sazonova and A.V.Razgulin

  8. Visibility estimate of diffraction patterns in laser diffractometry of erythrocytes by V.D.Ustinov, S.Yu.Nikitin, and M.V. Fedotov.

  9. Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation to 1D Rotating Waves in Delayed Parabolic Functional-Differential Equation with a Shift of Spatial Argument by T.E.Romanenko and A.V.Razgulin.

  10. Natural Sciences at Ibaraki National College of Technology by Takashi Matsuhisa

Professor Takashi Matsuhisa (Department of Natural Sciences, Ibaraki National College of Technology, Japan) took part at the seminar as organizer of MTE 2012.

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