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Visit of Peking University delegation and joint seminar

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27 of June 2013, 15:00-18:00, room 526a - Visit of Peking University (PU) delegation and joint seminar.

Visitors from PU:

  1. Wenxin LI, Professor and Vice Dean of School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), PU;
  2. Yifeng CHEN, Professor and Vice Dean of Computer Science (CS) Department of SEECS;
  3. Ming ZHANG, Professor, Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems, SEECS;
  4. Yao GUO, Associate Professor, CS SEECS.

CMC MSU representatives:

  1. Anatoly Gulyaev, Professor and Vice Dean of CMC MSU.
  2. Alexander Razgulin, Professor and Vice Dean of CMC MSU.
  3. Andrey Krylov, Professor and head of Lab.
  4. Dennis Gamayunov, PhD and head of Lab.

Schedule of Joint SEECS - CMC MSU seminar

  1. Anatoly Gulyaev, "Supercomputing Centre at CMC MSU";
  2. Alexander Razgulin, "Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU";
  3. Andrey Krylov, "CMC MSU experience in collaboration with Chinese Universities";
  4. Dennis Gamayunov "ISS Lab at CMC MSU";
  5. Yifeng CHEN, "School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science of Peking University";
  6. Ming ZHANG, "Undergraduate Computer Science Education in China".

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