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Student Research Intel Laboratory in MSU

Head of the laboratory: Gurov S.I., Associate Professor.
For several years Intel Corporation has been supporting student research laboratories, founded with the assistance of the company in the leading universities of Russia. Currently one of these laboratories works on the basis of our faculty.
Main Scientific directions:
- increasing the educational level of students and teachers by mean of reading lectures and master-classes, development of new courses, preparation of practicums and teaching aids on topical themes in the field of information technologies;
- modification and updating the existing training programs, including the holding of open seminars and discussions;
- conduction of educational-research and scientific-research projects supporting the development of the IT sphere;
- organization of various educational research activities, student schools, competitions, including the Intel scholarship contest, designed to develop professional-level students and teachers.
Special seminars:
- Some problems of control systems synthesis (directed by S. A. Lozhkin, D. S. Romanov, A. S. Nagorny)
- Control systems theory and mathematical models of VLSI (directed by S. A. Lozhkin, A. M. Marchenko, D. S. Romanov, M. C. Shupletsov)
- Intellectual data analysis: new tasks and methods (directed by S.I. Gurov)