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Department of Algorithmic Languages

Head of the department: Mikhail G. Malkovskiy, Professor, Dr.Sc.
The Department was founded simultaneously with the CMC Faculty in 1970. It was organized and headed by laureate of the Lenin prize, the Academician Svyatoslav S. Lavrov (1923 – 2004), who was a pioneer in the practical astronautics research and computer science in our country. There is a small planet (№2354, Lavrov) discovered in 1978 that is named after him.
The educational process at the Department is conducted in accordance with its scientific research. It is based on the special seminars on current research directions. Fundamental scientific achievements of the team have become useful for practical tasks in programming (standardization of programming languages, testing of compilers, symbolic calculations) and also in technical tasks (computer-aided design), applied linguistics, information retrieval, web-analytics, and cryptography.
The Department has a joint Laboratory of Computational Practice and Information Systems.
Staff members:
- Sergey A. Abramov, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Sergey Yu. Soloviov, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Mikhail V. Ulianov, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Vladimir G. Abramov, Associate Professor, PhD, Scientific Secretary of the Department
- Elena I. Bolshakova, Associate Professor, PhD
- Elena A. Bordachenkova, Associate Professor, PhD
- Yulia S. Korukhova, Associate Professor, PhD
- Irina A. Volkova, Associate Professor, PhD
- Igor G. Golovin, Associate Professor, PhD
- Tatiana Yu. Gratsianova, Associate Professor, PhD
- Andrey V. Stolyarov, Associate Professor, PhD
- Aleksey A. Vylitok, Senior Lecturer, PhD
- Tamara K. Matveeva, Senior Lecturer
- Irina N. Polyakova, Senior Lecturer, PhD
- Natalia E. Efremova, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Ilona V. Goryachaya, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Larissa N. Kuzina, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Nadezhda V. Gruzdeva, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, PhD
- Nikolay V. Arefiev, Researcher, PhD
- Natalia V. Baeva, Researcher
- Pavel G. Sutyrin, Researcher
- Nikolay N. Fastovets, Researcher
- Alexander I. Osin, Programmer
- Anton A. Panferov, Programmer
- Natalia V. Volosova, Technician
Regular courses:
- Algorithms and Algorithmic Languages by Prof. Solovyev, 54 lecture hours and 72 seminar hours, 1st semester.
- Computer Architecture and Assembler Language by Assoc. Prof. Bordachenkova, 48 lecture hours and 64 seminar hours, 2nd semester.
- Foundations of Programming by Dr. Korukhova, 32 lecture hours and 32 seminar hours, 2nd semester.
- Object-oriented Programming: C++ by Dr. Korukhova, 36 lecture hours and 36 seminar hours, 3rd semester.
- Programming Systems by Assoc. Prof. Volkova and Dr. Vylitok, 46 lecture hours and 60 seminar hours, 4th semester.
- Programming Languages by Assoc. Prof. Golovin, 72 lecture hours, 5th semester.
- Computational Complexity of Algorithms by Prof. Abramov, 48 lecture hours, 6th semester.
- Project Management Systems by Assoc. Prof. Abramov, 64 lecture hours, 6th semester.
- Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Malkovskiy, 64 lecture hours, 7th semester.
Special courses:
- Bank Information Technology by Prof. Soloviev, 32 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Elements of computer algebra by Prof. Abramov, 48 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Formal language theory by Dr. Vylitok, 32 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Introduction to programming paradigms by Assoc. Prof. Stolyarov, 32 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Knowledge management by Dr. Korukhova, 32 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Natural language text processing by Assoc. Prof. Volkova and Assoc. Prof. Gratsianova, 32 lecture hours, fall semester.
- Computational linguistics by Prof. Malkovskiy, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
- Hardware description languages: verification problems by Dr. Korukhova, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
- Knowledge engineering by Assoc. Prof. Bolshakova, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
- Methodology and technology for the development of large distributed systems by Dr. Leontyev, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
- Multiparadigm programming techniques by Assoc. Prof. Stolyarov, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
- Web-design: technological Aspects by Dr. Baeva, 32 lecture hours, spring semester.
Special scientific seminars:
- Artificial Intelligence by Assoc. Prof. Bolshakova, Assoc. Prof. Bordachenkova, Dr. Korukhova.
- Computational Linguistics by Prof. Malkovskiy, Assoc. Prof. Volkova, Assoc. Prof. Gratsianova, Dr. Polyakova.
- Computer Systems Design by Prof. Solovyev and Assoc. Prof. Abramov.
- Computer Algebra and Formal Languages Theory by Prof. Abramov and Dr. Vylitok.
- Programming Paradigms by Assoc. Prof. Golovin and Assoc. Prof. Stolyarov.
- Methodology and Technology for the Development of Large Distributed Information Systems by Dr. Leontyev.
- Tutoring Systems by Dr. Gromyko.
Master's programmes (MSc):
Applied Internet Technologies by Prof. Malkovskiy and Prof. Solovyev.
Main Scientific Directions:
The principal research directions at the Department are the following:
- formal languages and grammars, theory of translation, programming paradigms and technologies;
- computational linguistics and natural language technologies: text processing and text generation, controlled language, computer dictionaries and thesauruses, information retrieval, text mining;
- artificial intelligence (knowledge engineering, automatic reasoning);
- web-analytics, applied internet technologies and the development of web-resources (one of them – a popular in Runet educational resource;
- symbolic calculations and computer algebra (some symbolic algorithms for mathematical tasks were included in the popular computer algebra system MAPLE).
Recent papers:
E.Bolshakova and N.Efremova, LSPL-patterns as a tool for information extraction from natural language texts // New Trends in Classification and Data Mining. Sofia, Bulgaria: ITHEA, pp. 110-118, 2010.
Y.Korukhova and N.Fastovets, Automated program construction based on previous experience // Proc. of the 15th UK CBR Workshop. Greenwich, England: CMS press, pp. 35-44, 2011.
• 2013
- Abramov S.A., Ryabenko A.A. Linear q-difference equations depending on a parameter // J. Symbolic Comput. 2013. 49. P. 65-77.
- Azimov A.E., Bolshakova E.I. Correcting collocation errors in learners' writing based on probability of syntactic links // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции "Диалог". N 12. М.: РГГУ, 2013. P. 61-71.
- Bolshakova E., Loukachevitch N., Nokel M. Topic models can improve domain term extraction // Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 7814. Berlin; Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2013. P. 684-687.
- Ginkul G., Soloviev S. The quoting-based algorithm for cooperative decision making in production systems // Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Intelligent Information Systems. Chisinau: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2013. P. 104-107.
- Kuznetsova E.S., Loukachevitch N.V., Chetviorkin I.I. Testing rules for a sentiment analysis system // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции "Диалог". N 12. М.: РГГУ, 2013. P. 71-80.
- Loukachevitch N., Nokel M. An experimental study of term extraction for real information-retrieval thesauri // Proc. of 10th Intern. Conf. on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence. Paris, France: Universite Paris 13 - Paris Sorbonne Cite, 2013. P. 69-76.
- Chetviorkin I., Loukachevitch N. Evaluating sentiment analysis systems in Russian // The 4th Biennial Intern. Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing. Workshop Proceedings. Stroudsburg, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2013. P. 12-17.
- Chetviorkin I.I., Loukachevitch N.V. Sentiment analysis track at ROMIP-2012 // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции "Диалог". N 12. М.: РГГУ, 2013. P. 40-50.
• 2012
- Nokel M.A., Bolshakova E.I., Loukachevitch N.V. Combining multiple features for single-word term extraction // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции "Диалог". N 11(18). М.: РГГУ, 2012. P. 490-501.