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Department of Computing Systems and Automation

Head of the department: Korolev Lev, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Dr.Sc.
The Department examines various problems of system and application software. The main research topics of the Department include the study of computer architectures and computer systems, computer networking problems, investigations in the field of behavior analysis of distributed computing systems and their modeling, research and development of architectures and software components of high-performance computing systems, the development of technologies of parallel programming, the development of functioning analysis methods of embedded control systems for complex technical objects, structural synthesis and scheduling algorithms, methods of program verification (formal methods for program correctness proving), fault tolerance of embedded systems, the development of modern technologies based on data mining methods, design as well as development of intellectual application systems. The Department also develops computer graphics and image processing systems, studies an application of the neural networks technology and machine learning (ML) systems in the artificial intelligence software systems.
The Department includes the following laboratories: Computer Systems, Programming Technologies, Information Systems Security, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, and Ternary Informatics. Since its foundation the Department has actively collaborated with several Russian scientific centers.
Staff members:
- Smelyansky Ruslan, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Dr.Sc., Head of the Laboratory of Computer Systems
- Ryabov Gennady, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Kalinichenko Leonid, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Mashechkin Igor, Professor, Dr.Sc., Head of the Laboratory of Programming Technologies
- Sukhomlin Vladimir, Professor, Dr.Sc., Head of the Laboratory of Open Information Technologies
- Tomilin Alexander, Professor, Dr.Sc.
- Baula Vladimir, Associate Professor, PhD, Vice Head of the Department
- Vlasov Viktor, Associate Professor, PhD, Vice Head of the Department
- Konushin Anton, Associate Professor, PhD, Acting Head of the Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Petrovsky Michael, Associate Professor, PhD
- Terekhin Andrey, Associate Professor, PhD, Scientific Secretary of the Department
- Chernov Alexander, Associate Professor, PhD
- Tyulyaeva Vera, Senior Lecturer, PhD
- Volkanov Dmitry, Assistant Professor
- Glazkova Valentina, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Senyukova Olga, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Kapitonova Alla, Assistant Professor, PhD
- Kurynin Roman, Assistant Professor
- Shestimerov Andrey, Researcher
Regular courses:
- Operating systems by Prof. Mashechkin, Assoc. Prof. Terekhin
- Computer graphics
- Data communication and computer networks by Prof. Smelyansky
- Computer systems by Prof. Tomilin
- Model checking by Dr. Savenkov
- History and methodology of applied mathematics by Assoc. Prof. Vlasov
- Modern computer architecture by Prof. Korolev and Dr. Volkanov
- Computer architecture and Assembler by Assoc. Prof. Baula
Special courses:
- Operating systems of supercomputers by Prof. Tomilin
- Operating systems of multicomputer systems by Prof. Tomilin
- Introduction to data mining by Assoc. Prof. Petrovsky
- Methods of image compression and processing by Dr. Vatolin
- Analysis and development of system software in LINUX OS.
- Introduction to Information Security by Dr. Gamaunov
- Mathematical foundations of functional programming by Dr. Gamaunov
- Introduction to computer vision by Dr. Konushin
- Introduction to computer methods of combinatorial-topological constructions by Prof. Ryabov
- Introduction to photorealistic image synthesis by Dr. Ignatenko
The list of special courses changes each semester.
Special scientific seminars:
- Systems of parallel data processing using neural networks and genetic algorithms by Prof. Korolev, Assoc. Prof. Popova, and Prof. Tomilin
- Distributed information processing (research seminar of the Laboratory of Programming Technologies) by Prof. Mashechkin, Assoc. Prof. Petrovsky, and Assoc. Prof. Terekhin
- Research seminars of the Computer Systems and Information Systems Laboratory by Prof. Smelyansky, Dr. Bahmurov, and Dr. Kostenko:
- Modeling embedded systems;
- Architecture synthesis and calculation planning;
- Information security and computer networks;
- Information systems on Internet and databases;
- Analysis and development of system software in LINUX OS.
- Computer graphics and image processing (research seminar of the Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Multimedia) by Dr. Vatolin, and Dr. Konushin
- Computer-aided combinatorial-topological constructions by Prof. Ryabov
- Integrated information systems based on distributed object models, databases and technologies by Prof. Kalinichenko
Recent publications:
• 2013
- Petrovskiy M., Tsarev D. Supervised and unsupervised text classification via generic summarization // Intern. J. Computer Inform. and Industrial Management Appl. 2013. 5. P. 509-515.
- Chigorin A.A., Konushin A.S. A system for large-scale automatic traffic sign recognition and mapping // CMRT13 - City Models, Roads and Traffic 2013. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. N II-3/W3. Gottingen, Germany: Copernicus Publications, 2013. P. 13-17.
- Gavrishchaka V., Davis K., Senyukova O. Multi-complexity measures for early detection and monitoring of neurological abnormalities from gait time series // 2013 Intern. Symp. on Computational Models for Life Science. AIP Conf. Proc. N 1559. N.Y., USA: AIP Publishing LLC, 2013. P. 47-56.
- Gavrishchaka V., Senyukova O. Robust algorithmic detection of cardiac pathologies from short periods of RR data // Knowledge-Based Systems in Biomedicine and Computational Life Science. Studies in Computational Intelligence. N 450. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2013. P. 137-153.
- Konnov I.V., Podymov V.V., Volkanov D.Yu., Zakharov V.A., Zorin D.A. An experience on using simulation environment DYANA augmented with UPPAAL for verification of embedded systems defined by UML statechart // Proc. of the Intern. Workshop on Verification of Embedded Systems 2013. СПб: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2013. P. 32-46.
- Kuharenko A.I., Konushin A.S. Simultaneous facial attribute classification with convolutional neural networks // Proc. of 11th Intern. Conf. Pattern Recogn. And Image Anal.: New Information Technologies. N 2. Самара: ИСОИ РАН, 2013. P. 623-626.
- Moiseev B., Konev A., Chigorin A.A., Konushin A.S. Evaluation of traffic sign recognition methods trained on synthetically generated data // Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 8192. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2013. P. 576-583.
- Senyukova O., Gavrishchaka V., Koepke M. Universal multi-complexity measures for physiological state quantification in intelligent diagnostics and monitoring systems // Proc. of 1st Aizu Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Technology. Communications in Computer and Information Science. N 404. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2013. P. 69-83.
- Shalnov E.V., Konushin V.S., Konushin A.S. Improvement of MCMC-based video tracking algorithm // Proc. of 11th Intern. Conf. Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal.: New Information Technologies. N 2. Самара: ИСОИ РАН, 2013. P. 727-730.
- Sindeev М. S., Konushin A.S., Carsten R. Alpha-flow for video matting // Computer Vision - ACCV 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 7726. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2013. P. 438-452.
- Smeleansky R.L., Zakharov V.A., Shemeritsky E.V. A formal model and verification problems for software defined networks/ // Program Semantics, Specification and Verification: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the IV Intern. Worshop. Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State University, 2013. P. 21-30.
- Smelуansky R.L., Shalimov A.V. Program compaction for real-time applications // Progress in Fight Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, Control, Fault Detection and Avionics. N 6. France: Torus Press, 2013. P. 469-486.
- Smelуansky R.L., Volkanov D.Y., Antonenko V.A., Shemeritsky E.V., Glonina A.B., Konnov I.V., Pashkov V.N., Podymov V.V. Аn integrated development environment for simulation and verification of real-time avionics systems // Progress in Flight Physics. N 5. Munich, Germany: Torus Press, 2013. P. 1-1.
- Zakharov V.A., Smelyansky R.L., Chemeritsky E.V. A formal model and verification problems for software defined networks // Proc. of the 4-th Intern. Workshop "Program Semantics, Specification & Verification: Theory and Application (PSSV)". Ярославль: ЯрГУ, 2013. P. 21-30.
• 2012
- Kalinichenko L., Stupnikov S., Zakharov V. Extending information integration technologies for problem solving over heterogeneous information resources // Информатика и ее применения. 2012. 6. № 1. P. 70-77.
- Konushin V., Lukina T., Kuharenko A., Konushin A. Classifiers for face classification // ГрафиКон'2012. 22-я Международная конференция по компьютерной графике и зрению. Труды конференции. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2012. P. 108-112.
- Kalinichenko L., Stupnikov S. Synthesis of the canonical models for database integration preserving semantics of the value inventive data models. // Advances in Databases and Information Systems - 16th East European Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. № 7503. Berlin: Springer, 2012. P. 223-239.