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Visit of Peking University delegation and joint seminar
27 of June 2013, 15:00-18:00, room 526a - Visit of Peking University (PU) delegation and joint seminar.
Visitors from PU:
- Wenxin LI, Professor and Vice Dean of School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), PU;
- Yifeng CHEN, Professor and Vice Dean of Computer Science (CS) Department of SEECS;
- Ming ZHANG, Professor, Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems, SEECS;
- Yao GUO, Associate Professor, CS SEECS.
CMC MSU representatives:
- Anatoly Gulyaev, Professor and Vice Dean of CMC MSU.
- Alexander Razgulin, Professor and Vice Dean of CMC MSU.
- Andrey Krylov, Professor and head of Lab.
- Dennis Gamayunov, PhD and head of Lab.
Schedule of Joint SEECS - CMC MSU seminar
- Anatoly Gulyaev, "Supercomputing Centre at CMC MSU";
- Alexander Razgulin, "Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU";
- Andrey Krylov, "CMC MSU experience in collaboration with Chinese Universities";
- Dennis Gamayunov "ISS Lab at CMC MSU";
- Yifeng CHEN, "School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science of Peking University";
- Ming ZHANG, "Undergraduate Computer Science Education in China".