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1st Russian-German Conference MultiScale BioMathematics - Coherent Modeling of Human Body System

Deadline for papers: 30 Sep 2016

Original contributions to “topics in focus” are welcome; for bridging between scales, other parts of the body system may be addressed, as well.
The level should be exacting with a good exposition of biological context. One-page abstracts (12-pt Times Roman, single) of submissions will be reviewed for suitability by 13 Oct 2016 when received before 30 Sep 2016.
Send English-language submissions for evaluation to Sergey Mukhin vmmus@cs.msu.su or Jochen Mau ismmau@hhu.de.

1st Russian-German "Young Talent" Workshop (YTW) Mathematical Bio-systems Modeling

Deadline for papers: 30 Sep 2016

Young scientists are invited to submit their original work (abstract in either Russian or German with complete English translation) to either Sergey I. Mukhin vmmus@cs.msu.su or J. Mau ismmau@hhu.de by 30 Sep 2016 for review; decision about acceptance until 13 Oct 2016.

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