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CMC MSU at XVI International Forum "The formation of the modern information society - problems and prospects, innovative approaches"

In June 1-5, 2015 CMC MSU attended XVI International Forum "The formation of the modern information society - problems and prospects, innovative approaches" at St. Petersburg with 2 reports:
Tikhomirov V.V. and Parchevskay L.N. "The main points arising in the design of educational
professional programs in the field of information technology"
Abstract: The main approaches in the development of a new generation of educational programs in the field of information technology is closely linked with the design of qualifications frameworks in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).
Moiseev E.I, Lozhkin S.A., and Tikhomirov V.V. "On the influence of research on vocational education in the field of IT at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University"
Abstract: The paper presents some of the trends and results of scientific and educational activities at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, MSU, which is of fundamental and applied nature. At the same faculty attaches great importance to educational activities in the field of high performance computing, supercomputing technology, information security and advanced networking technologies.