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Russian-Chinese academic and research cooperation workshop

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Russian-Chinese academic and research cooperation workshop was held on December 6, 2018.

Guests from BEIJING:

WANG Kaishun, Dean of the school of math’s Sciences

CAO Yiming, Deputy director of Basic Education Commission of Chinese Mathematical Society, Chair of Chinese Association of Mathematics Education

ZHANG Hui, Director of the Center of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Vice-Dean of the School of Math’s Sciences

XU Xiaojing Vice-Dean of the School of Math’s Sciences

Guests from SHANGHAI:

XU Xiongwei, Deputy Dean of College of Education at SHNU, Executive Deputy Director of Shanghai Private University Teacher Professional Development Center

TANG Weidong, Director, Training Section

HUANG Youchu, Professor

XU Baoqiao, Graduated with a high level of proficiency in Russian language

GU Nahai, Lecturer

List of reports is posted by reference https://istina.msu.ru/conferences/161483822/