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Workshop on Large-Scale Modeling

CMC MSU professors participated in
Workshop on Large-Scale Modeling
Sunne, Sweden, May 1—6 2012
Section: Solution techniques for large-scale problems
E. Tyrtyshnikov, Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS and CMC MSU, Moscow, Russia
New generation of numerical algorithms via tensor-train representations of data
V. A. Trofimov, O.V. Matusevich , I.A. Shirokov, and M.V. Fedotov, CMC MSU, Moscow, Russia
Performance of multicore and multiprocessor computers for some 3D problems of nonlinear optics and gaseous dynamics
A.P. Smirnov and A.N. Semenov, CMC MSU, Moscow, Russia
FDTD codes aimed at solution to large-scale problems for Maxwell's equations using parallel computations
Section: Large-scale problems and applications in electromagnetics
A.P. Smirnov and A.N. Semenov, CMC MSU, Moscow, Russia, Y.V. Shestopalov, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden,
Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in guides with inhomogeneous dielectric inclusions
A.S. Ilyinsky, CMC MSU, Moscow, Russia, Y.G. Smirnov, Penza State University, Penza, Russia
Integral equation method for solving large-scale electromagnetic diffraction problems