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I International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies"

Date: November 25, 2016 - November 26, 2016.
Place: CMC MSU, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1/52.
Time: 09:00 - 18:00.
International scientific conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies" is devoted to the integration of the efforts of scientists and experts from different countries in order to improve the efficiency of research and accelerate the development of practical scientific and technological potential of information technologies in science, technology, economics, training of scientific personnel.
Conference Objectives:
- to promote researches in the field of theoretical computer science, applied mathematics and computer science, aimed at the development of scientific bases of cognitive and information technologies;
- to promote scientific research and innovations in the field of cognitive convergence of information technologies and their applications;
- to promote the integration of efforts in scientific research , as well as in the development of standards in such "hot" areas as the Internet of Things, Big Data, Smart City Technologies of the digital economy.
The scientific program involves work in the following thematic areas:
- Section 1. Theoretical questions of computer science, computational mathematics, computer science and cognitive information technologies.
- Section 2. Parallel and distributed programming, grid technologies, programming on GPUs.
- Section 3. Cognitive information technologies in control systems.
- Section 4. Big Data and their applications.
- Section 5. The Internet of Things (IoT): standards, communication and information technologies, network applications.
- Section 6. Smart Cities: standards, cognitive-information technologies and their applications.
- Section 7. Cognitive information technologies in the digital economics.
- Section 8. Applied optimization problems.
Round Table on "The impact of the Internet of Things on the development of economy, science, education, social sphere."
Deadline for Registration for authors of scientific papers: October 15, 2016.
Deadline for scientific reports: 15 October 2016.
Deadline for Registration for listeners: November 20, 2016.
Organizer: Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
I International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies" is sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, under project number № 16-07-20742 г.
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