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CMC MSU delegation at MTE-2012

The 3-rd International KOSEN Workshop on Mathematics, Technology and Education (MTE 2012) took place at the Ibaraki National College of Technology in the city of Hitachinaka, Ibaraki province, Japan, from March 14 to March 22, 2012.
This workshop aims to bring together the researchers and the students from various areas that deal with advanced applications of mathematical methods to natural sciences and humanitarian fields. This year the meeting was devoted to such aspects of applied mathematics as game theory, operation research and mathematical modeling in physics, chemistry, biology and linguistics.
According to the established MTE regulations, its participants are the graduate students and their scientific advisors. The reports of the latter give the general picture of research in their institutions while the contributions of the former are usually devoted to smaller particular problems that later make the basis of their diploma papers.
Lomonosov Moscow State University was represented at MTE 2012 by the 3-rd year students Anna Tyumeneva and Arutyun Agababyan (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Department of Operations Research; scientific advisor – Professor Alexander Vasin) and the 5-th year student Dmitry Maximov (Faculty of Physics, Department of Solid State Problems; scientific advisor – Research Fellow Andrey Shobukhov). They presented the reports:
"Nuclear Energy: Stereotypes & Reality" by A.Tyumeneva,
"The Future of Nuclear Energy" by A.Agababyan,
"Realistic Modeling of Hysteresis in Graphite Electrodes of Li-Ion Batteries" by D.Maximov,
"Hopf Bifurcation for Sufficiently Smooth P.D.E. Solutions: Theory and Application" by Dr. A.V.Shobukhov.
All these contributions were received with interest by other participants; several questions were asked and an interesting discussion followed. Particular interest was paid to the hysteresis modeling in porous electrodes carried out by Dmitry Maximov.
Attending MTE 2012 proved to be a very useful and awarding experience both for the students and their advisors. Participating in such events is important for presenting the results of the Lomonosov MSU graduate student research and for their language practice.