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Delegation from Tohoku University (Japan) at CMC MSU

On February 18, 2015 delegation from the department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Information Sciences Tohoku University (GSIS TU) visited CMC MSU for joint seminar.
1. SAKAGUCHI Shigeru, Professor,
2. TANAKA Hajime, Associate Professor,
3. SEGAWA Etsuo, Associate Professor,
4. TSUZUKI Nobuo, Professor,
5. ONO Rintaro, Postdoctor,
6. HASHIKAWA Tomonori, Doctor course student,
7. WATANABE Yuta, Master course student,
8. TRUSHIN Igor, Associate Professor.
Professor SAKAGUCHI presented GSIS TU. Members of the delegation gave brief introduction to their scientific activity. CMC MSU Dean Professor Moiseev said introductory words followed by presentations of CMC MSU Professors Razgulin, Popova, Krylov, Tyrtyshnikov, Ozhigov, and Ulianov. The possible topics of joint collaboration were discussed as well.