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Invited lecture of Prof. Gill Barequet (Israel)

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Пятница 28 октября 2016 г., ауд.510, в 14.35.

Professor Gill Barequet (Dept. of Computer Science, Technion, Israel)

Метод интерполяции кусочно-линейной поверхности между двумя параллельными сечениями

Доклад профессора Гилла Бареквита из университета Технион (Израиль)

Доклад и презентация на английском языке.

We present an efficient method for interpolating a piecewise-linear surface between two parallel cross-sections, each consisting of an arbitrary number of (possibly nested) polygons that define "material" and "nonmaterial" regions. This problem has applications to medical imaging, geographic information systems, etc. Our method is fully automatic and is guaranteed to produce non-self-intersecting surfaces in all cases regardless of the number of contours in each slice, their complexity and geometry, and the depth of their hierarchy of nesting. The method is based on computing cells in the overlay of the slices, that form the symmetric difference between them. Then, the straight skeletons of the selected cells guide the triangulation of these cells. Finally, the resulting triangles are lifted up in space to form the interpolating surface. We provide some experimental results on various complex examples to show the good and robust performance of our algorithm. Joint work with Michael T. Goodrich, Aya Levi-Steiner, and Dvir Steiner.

Об авторе:
Gill Barequet has been a professor of computer Science at the Technion, Israel Inst. of Technology, since 1998. He currently serves as vice dean and head of the curriculum committee of the faculty of computer science. He received his B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University in 1985, 1987, and 1994, respectively.
His research interests include discrete and computational geometry, geometric optimization, interpolation and reconstruction algorithms, and enumerative combinatorics. He holds five US and two Israeli patents.