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Ardelyan N.V., Bychkov V.L., Kochetov I.V., Kosmachevskii K.V. Non-self maintained discharge plasma in propan-air mixture // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. 2011. 39. N 12.

Bakina I.G., Kurakin A.V., Mestetskiy L.M. Hand geometry analysis by continuous skeletons // Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal. 2011. 21. N 2. P. 130-139.

Denisov V.N. Conditions for stabilization of solutions to the first boundary value problem for parabolic equations // J. Math. Sciences. 2011. 176. N 6. P. 870-890.

Djukova E.V., Zhuravlev Yu.I., Sotnezov R.M. Construction of an ensemble of logical correctors on the basis of elementary classifiers // Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal. 2011. 21. N 4. P. 599-605.

Elizarova T.G., Bulatov O.V. Regularized shallow water equations and a new method of simulation of the open channel flows // Computers and Fluids. 2011. 46. N 1. P. 206-211.

Eremin Yu., Eremina E., Grishina N., Wriedt T. Extreme scattering effect: light scattering analysis via the discrete sources method // J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat. Transfer. 2011. 112. N 11. P. 1687-1696.

Eremina E., Eremin Y., Wriedt T. Computational nano-optic technology based on discrete sources method // J. Modern Optics. 2011. 58. N 5-6. P. 384-399.

Grigorieva E.V., Khailov E.N. Optimal control of pollution stock through ecological interaction of the manufacturer and the state // Revista de Matematica: Teoria y Aplicaciones. 2011. 18. N 1. P. 77-109.

Grishina N., Eremina E., Eremin Yu., Wriedt T. Modelling of different TIRM setups by the discrete sources method // J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat. Transfer. 2011. 112. N 11. P. 1825-1832.

Gulin A.V. Asymptotic stability of nonlocal difference schemes // J. Numer. and Appl. Math. 2011. N 2. P. 34-43.

Izmailov A.F., Pogosyan A.L., Solodov M.V. Semismooth SQP method for equality-constrained optimization problems with an application to the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints // Optim. Meth. Software. 2011. 26. N 4. P. 847-872.

Izmailov A.F., Solodov M.V. On attraction of linearly constrained Lagrangian methods and of stabilized and quasi-Newton SQP methods to critical multipliers // Math. Prog. 2011. 126. N 2. P. 231-257.

Kazeykina A.V., Novikov R.G. A large time asymptotics for transparent potentials for the Novikov-Veselov equation at positive energy // J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 2011. 18. N 3. P. 377-400.

Kruglov V.M. A generalization of weak law of large numbers // Stoch. Anal. and Appl. 2011. 29. N 4. P. 674-683.

Krylov A.S., Mizotin M.M. Projection method for the Hankel transform // Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 2011. 22. N 6. P. 431-441.

Kurzhanski А., Varaiya P. Optimization of оutput feedback control under set-membership uncertainty // J. Opt. Theory and Appl. 2011. 1. N 1. P. 11-32.

Lebedeva O.S. Tensor method of the conjugate gradient type for minimization of the Rayleigh quotient in block QTT format // Russ. J. Numer. Anal. and Math. Modeling. 2011. 26. N 5. P. 465-489.

Liu H.-Y., Liang S., Dai Q.-F., Wu L.-J., Lan Sh., Gopal A.V., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Transmission of terahertz wave through one-dimensional photonic crystals containing single and multiple metallic defects // J. Appl. Phys. 2011. 110. N 7. P. 101-109.

Nasonov A.V., Krylov A.S. Finding areas of typical artifacts of image enhancement methods // Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal. 2011. 21. N 2. P. 316-318.

Rovenskaya E.A. Remarks on fair wealth accumulation in Russia // Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2011. 13. N 5. P. 923-937.

Schmidt V., Schuh R., Wriedt T., Eremin Yu. Preconditioning techniques for iterative solvers in the discrete sources method // J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat. Transfer. 2011. 112. N 11. P. 1705-1710.

Schuh R., Schmidt V., Wriedt T., Eremin Yu. Implementation and investigation of iterative solvers in the discrete sources method // J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat. Transfer. 2011. 112. N 11. P. 1697-1704.

Shobukhov A.V., Maximov D.S. Mathematical models of symmetrical diffusive layers in porous electrodes // J. Materials Sci. and Engineering A. 2011. 1. N 4. P. 592-597.

Sorokin D.V., Krylov A.S. Gauss-Laguerre-Hermite method of keypoint extraction // Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal. 2011. 2. N 21. P. 332-334.

Ushakov V.G., Ushakov N.G. On convergence of moment generating functions // Statistics and Probability Letters. 2011. 81. N 4. P. 502-505.

Vandekerckhove C., Sonday B., Makeev A., Roose D., Kevrekidis I. A common approach to the computation of coarse-scale steady states and to consistent initialization on a slow manifold // Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2011. 35. N 10. P. 1949-1958.

Zaitsev F.S., Kostomarov D.P., Suchkov E.P., Drozdov V.V., Solano E.R., Murari A., Matejcik S., Hawkes N.C. Analyses of substantially different plasma current densities and safety factors reconstructed from magnetic diagnostics data // Nuclear Fusion. 2011. 51. N 10. P. 30-44.

Bakhmurov A.G., Balashov V.V., Pashkov V.N., Smeliansky R.L., Volkanov D.Y. Method for choosing an effective set of fault tolerance mechanisms for real-time embedded systems // Problems of Dependability and Modelling. Wroclaw, Polska: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011. P. 13-26.

Brusentsov N.P., Ramil Alvarez J. Ternary computers: The Setun and the Setun 70 // Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. First IFIP WG 9.7 Conf. N.Y., USA: Springer, 2011. P. 74-80.

Brusentsov N.P., Vladimirova J.S. Ternary dialectical informatics // Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. First IFIP WG 9.7 Conf. N.Y., USA: Springer, 2011. P. 81-88.

Bychkov V.L., Ardelyan N.V., Kosmachevskii K.V., Kochetov I.V. Non-self maintained gas discharge for plasma impact on flammable gases (theory) // Proc. 49-th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibition. N AIAA-2011-1215. Orlando, USA: Amer. Phys. Soc., 2011. P. 1-1.

Chistikov D.V. Testing monotone read-once functions // Combinatorial Algorithms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. № 7056. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2011. C. 121-134.

D'yakonov A.G. Two recommendation algorithms based on deformed linear combinations // Proc. of ECML-PKDD 2011 Discovery Challenge Workshop. N 770. Zagreb, Croatia: Rudjer Boskovic Institute, 2011. P. 21-28.

Daryin A.N., Kurzhanski A.B., Minaeva Yu.Yu. On the theory of fast controls under disturbances // Proc. of 18th World Congress IFAC. Milan, Italy: Springer, 2011. P. 3486-3491.

Gavrishaka V., Senyukova O. Robust algorithmic detection of the developed cardiac pathologies and emerging or transient abnormalities from short periods of RR data // 2011 Intern. Symp. on Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS-11). AIP Conf. Proc. N 1371. N.Y., USA: Amer. Inst of Physics, 2011. P. 215-224.

Kononov V., Konushin V., Konushin A. People tracking algorithm for human height mounted cameras // Pattern Recognition. 33rd DAGM Symposium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6835. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 163-172.

Korukhova Y., Fastovets N. Automated program construction based on previous experience // Proc. of the 15th UK CBR Workshop. Greenwich, England: CMS press, 2011. P. 35-44.

Krylov A. S., Sorokin D. V. Gauss-Laguerre keypoints descriptors for color images // Image Analysis and Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6753. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 284-293.

Krylov A.S., Nasonov A.V. Edge-directed image interpolation using color gradient information // Proc. of 6th Intern. Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6979. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2011. P. 40-49.

Kuliamin V.V., Petukhov A.A. Covering arrays generation methods survey // Proceedings of ISOLA'2010, part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6416. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 382-396.

Kurkina E.S. Modeling global spatial-temporal evolution of society: hyperbolic rrowth and historical cycles // Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings. N 1389. N.Y.: Springer, 2011. P. 1019-1022.

Lvova N., Shirokov I., Useinov A., Gogolinskiy K. Surface image processing algorithms in scanning probe microscopy and nanohardness measurements // Proc. of The World Congress on Engineering 2011. N II. London, U.K.: Cambridge Intern. Sci. Publ., 2011. P. 1577-1582.

Mashechkin I.V., Petrovskiy M.I., Tsarev D.V. Text summarization method based on notmalized non-negative matrix factorization // Proc. of 3rd Intern. Conf. on Mech. and Electrical Technol (ICMET 2011). N 1. N.Y., USA: ASME Press, 2011. P. 563-569.

Matyunin S., Vatolin D., Berdnikov Y., Smirnov M. Temporal filtering for depth maps generated by kinect depth camera // 2011 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON 2011). Pittsburgh, USA: IEEE Press, 2011. P. 193-197.

Namiot D., Sneps-Sneppe M. Customized check-in procedures // Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired /Wireless Networking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6869. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 160-164.

Namiot D.E., Schneps-Schneppe M.A. About Location-aware Mobile Messages: Expert System Based on WiFi Spots // Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST), 2011 5th International Conference on. Cardiff: IEEE Xplore Digital library, 2011. C. 48-53.

Namiot D.E., Schneps-Schneppe M.A. Advertising in social networks: business-oriented check-ins // AFIN 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in Future Interne. Nice: IARIA, 2011. P. 20-24.

Namiot D.E., Sneps-Sneppe M.A. A new approach to advertising in social networks - business-centric check-ins // Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), 2011 15th International Conference on. Berlin: IEEE Xplore Digital library, 2011. C. 92-96.

Osokin A.A., Vetrov D.P., Kolmogorov V. Submodular decomposition framework for inference in associative markov networks with global constraints // Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recogn. N.Y., USA: Springer, 2011. P. 135-142.

Salnikov A., Andreev D., Lebedev R. The analysis of cluster interconnect with the network_tests2 toolkit // Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6960. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 160-169.

Semashko A.S., Krylov A.S., Rodin A. S. Using blood vessels location information in optic disk segmentation // Image Analysis and Processing-ICIAP 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6979. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2011. P. 384-393.

Shapovalov R., Velizhev A. Cutting-plane training of non-associative Markov network for 3d point cloud segmentation // Proc. of IEEE Intern. Conf. on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualisation and Transmission. Pittsburgh, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. P. 1-8.

Sorokin D.V., Mizotin M.M., Krylov A.S. Gauss-Laguerre keypoints extraction using fast Hermite projection method // Image Analysis and Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 6753. Berlin: Springer, 2011. P. 284-293.

Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D., Huang Z., Han H. Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for 2D nonlinear Schrodinger equation // CMMSE 2011 : Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. N I. Benidorm, Spain: University of Benidorm, 2011. P. 1150-1156.

Trofimov V.A., Loginova M.M. Finite-difference schemes for a two-dimensional problem of femtosecond pulse interaction with semiconductor // CMMSE 2011 : Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. N IV. Benidorm, Spain: University of Benidorm, 2011. P. 1641-1651.

Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Catastrophic self-focusing of axially symmetric laser beams due to cascading SHG // Laser Optics 2010. Proc. of SPIE. N 7822. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 7822-7833.

Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Two waves interaction in layered photonic structure at big phase mismatching // Advances in Optical Thin Films IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8168. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 20-29.

Trofimov V.A., Matusevich O.V. The effects similar to quantum teleportation and superluminality at propagating of laser pulse in medium with combined nonlinear response // Active Photonic Materials IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8095. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 55-65.

Trofimov V.A., Matusevich O.V., Smotrov D.A. Mode of propagation of optical radiation with self-similar pulse shape in layered medium with nonlinear absorption // Active Photonic Materials IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8095. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 36-47.

Trofimov V.A., Peskov N.V. About possibility of eliminating the influence of water vapour on the detection and identification of substance at using the THz laser pulse // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications II. Proc. of SPIE. N 8119. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 41-55.

Trofimov V.A., Peskov N.V., Lan Sh. Localization of laser pulse and slow light propagation in nonlinear photonic crystal // Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications V. Proc. of SPIE. N 8120. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 6-17.

Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V., Chao Deng, Yuan-meng Zhao, Cun-lin Zhang, Xin Zhang. Possible way for increasing the quality of imaging from THz passive device // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII.Proc. of SPIE. N 8189. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 42-52.

Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V., Levitskiy N.V. Up- and down-conversion at three-wave interaction in medium with combined nonlinear response // Nonlinear Optics and Applications V. Proc. of SPIE. N 8071. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 6-17.

Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Palka N., Szustakowski M., Trzcinski T. The method of the spectral dynamics analysis of reflected signal for problem of identification of substance // Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems V: Advance Applications in Industry and Defense. Proc. of SPIE. N 8023. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 21-33.

Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Palka N., Szustakowski M., Trzcinski T., Lan Sh., Liu H.-Y. An influence of the absolute phase of THz pulse on linear and nonlinear medium response // Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Terahertz Wave Technologies and Applications. Proc. of SPIE. N 8195. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 43-54.

Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Szustakowski M., Palka N., Trzcinski T. Efficiency of the detection of explosive using the spectral dynamics analysis of reflected signal // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII.Proc. of SPIE. N 8189. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 25-40.

Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Zhang C., Shen J., Zhou Q., Shi Y. 2D signature for identification of drugs // Active and Passive Signatures II. Proc. of SPIE. N 8040. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2011. P. 7-18.

Ulyanov V.V. Cornish-Fisher expansions // International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2011. P. 613-618.

Ulyanov V.V. Short asymptotic expansions in the CLT in Euclidian spaces: a sharp estimate for its accuracy // Proc. 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology. Shanghai, China: IEEE Press, 2011. P. 260-262.

Vetrov D.P., Yangel B.K. Image segmentation with a shape prior based on simplifies skeleton // Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2011. P. 148-161.

Gamayunov D. Towards malware-resistant networking environment [PDF] (http://www.syssec-project.eu/media/page-media/3/syssec-d2.3-1st-project-...).

Grineva M.A., Grinev M.N., Lizorkin D.A., Boldakov A.A., Turdakov D.Y., Sysoev A.A., Kiyko A.S. Blognoon: exploring a topic in the blogosphere [PDF] (http://www.www2011india.com/proceeding/companion/p213.pdf).

Noseevich G., Petukhov A. Detecting insufficient access control in web applications [PDF] (http://www.syssec-project.eu/media/page-media/3/syssec-d2.3-1st-project-...).

Romanenkov K.V., Salnikov A.N. Comparison of quality and performance of parallel algorithms for multiply sequence alignment (P.318-319) [PDF] (http://mccmb.belozersky.msu.ru/2011/mccmb11.pdf).


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