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International project INARM of EU program Tempus-IV

List of Collaborators:
1. Uniwersytet Marii-Curie-Sklodowskiej, Lublin, Poland
2. Koblenz-Landau University Koblenz, Germany
3. Link Campus University, Rome, Italy
4. Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
5. Quality Assurance Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands
6. World University Service – Austrian
Committee, Graz, Austria
7. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC MSU)
8. State University of Management, Moscow
9. Moscow State Humanitarian University (MSHU)
10. Nizhniy Novgorod State Technological University
11. Employment Center of Nizhniy Novgorod Region
12. Kuban State University
13. Krasnodar Regional Universities Alumni Association
14. Samara State Technical University
15. Department of Labor and Employment of Samara Region
16. Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
17. National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk
18. Dnipropetrovsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry
19. Sumy State University
20. Khmelnytskyi National University
21. Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Khmelnytsky Region
22. Ivan Franko Lviv National University
23. Laboratory of Ideas
24. Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
25. Institute of telecommunications and global information space, Kyiv
26. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
27. State Engineering University of Armenia
28. Vanadzor Branch of State Engineering University of Armenia
29. Russian-Armenian (Slavonic)University
30. Republican Union of Employers of Armenia
31. National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance
32. Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science
Specific objectives of the project
• To establish a platform for stakeholder active collaboration
for identifying qualification requirements for
bachelor and master students in the fields of informatics
and management;
• To develop sectorial qualifications frameworks (SQF)
in the fields of informatics and management drawing
on the National Qualifications Frameworks of the
target countries and European Qualifications Framework;
• To operationalise SQFs by introducing new learning
outcomes for informatics and management in the
partner countries.
Oficial web-site of INARM
CMC MSU activity in the INARM
2012, November, Pre-Kick-off meeting in Koblenz.
2012, December, Webinar
2013, February, Kick-off meeting in Lublin.
2013, February, "Salon de L'Etudiant", Paris, France.
2013, March, Webinar
2013, April, Coordinating meeting at SMSUH, Moscow
2013, May, StudyWorld–2013 in Berlin.
2013, May, APICTST-2013, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
2013, May, Webinar
2013, June, Coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2013, July, Coordinating meeting and Summer School in Koblenz.
2013, October, Matersfair-2013 and QANU in Utrecht.
2013, October, Coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2013, November 11, Meeting with Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
2013, November, Coordinating meeting in Erevan.
2013, November, Webinar at SMSUH, Moscow.
2013, December 3, Meeting at the Embassy of Austria, Moscow.
2013, December 19, Webinar and coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2013, December 27, Coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2014, January 16, Webinar and coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2014, February 06, Webinar and coordinating meeting at CMC MSU, Moscow.
2014, February 13-16, Coordinating meeting in Kosice, Slovakia.
2014, May 23-24, StudyWorld–2014 in Berlin.
2014, May 26 - June 1, Coordinating meeting in Rome, Italy.
2014, June 24, Monitoring at CMC MSU, Moscow
2014, June 25-27, Coordinating meeting in Utrecht
2014, July, Coordinating meeting and Summer School in Koblenz.
2014, September 30, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
2014, October 19-22, The meeting of the Presidium of the scientific-methodical Council of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Information Technology
2014, November 13-15, IX international conference "Modern information technologies and IT-education"
2014, November 27, Webinar in MSHU, Moscow.
2014, November 28, INARM meeting in the State University of Management.
2014, November, CMC MSU in the special INARM issue of the SUM Herald.
2015, March, INARM info published in the CMC MSU booklet.
2015, April 23-25, International conference "Mathematics and society: the shaping of the modern information society problems and prospects, information approaches" at MSU, Moscow
2015, June 1-5, XVI International Forum "The formation of the modern information society - problems and prospects, innovative approaches" at St. Petersburg, Russia
2015, June 22-25, International academy of TEMPUS IV, INARM in Graz, Austria.
2015, July 06-18, Coordinating meeting and Summer School in Koblenz.
2015, December 01, The book "Sectoral qualifications frameworks design in the field of Informatics" was published
2015, December 10, Forum of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs "Russian National Qualifications Framework. Practical steps of system changes".