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Laboratory of Computer Engineering

Head of the laboratory: Gurevich Evgeny
The Laboratory was founded in 1988. It has the following purposes: installation and maintenance of computers at CMC Faculty of MSU; a system and technical support of high-performance computing facilities, namely, the supercomputer Blue Gene/P and high-performance system IBM Regatta; maintenance and development of the local area network at the Faculty; maintenance of computer classrooms.
Staff members:
- Gorskaya Nadezhda, Leading Electronic
- Efimov Danila, Leading Electronic
- Sabirov Rashid, Leading Programmer
- Skoptsov Alexander, Leading Programmer
- Gerasimova Tatiana, Electronic
- Grabilina Zinaida, Electronic
- Malakhova Natalia, Electronic
- Mitrokhin Gennady, Electronic
- Rodin Aleksey, Electronic
- Sadovskaya Svetlana, Electronic
- Sysoenko Tatiana, Electronic
- Chernakova Nadezhda, Mathematician
- Efimenko Elena, Electronic
- Gulyaeva Natalia, Engineer
- Zenchenko Alexander, Engineer
- Tchaikovsky Vitaly, Programmer
- Kochkareva Viktoria, Electronic
- Kozlochkov Dmitry, Electrician