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Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes Simulation

Lebedev Michael, Chief Research Fellow, Dr.Sc.
The Laboratory was established in 1982 on the basis of a scientific team which had previously been a division of the Computer Center of the Moscow State University and later entered the Faculty.
Staff members:
- Bazarov Sergey, Leading Research Fellow, PhD
- Paskonov Vilen, Academician of RANS, Senior Research Fellow, Dr.Sc.
- Petrova Ludmila, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Zhukov Konstantin, Research Fellow, PhD
- Modenova Vera, Research Fellow, PhD
- Voitsekhovsky Dmitry, Researcher
- Komarova Elena, Researcher
- Sklar Nina, Mathematician
- Dorofeeva Irina, Mathematician
- Soloviev Alexey, Mathematician
- Krivov Maxim, Mathematician
- Bocharova Olga, Mathematician
Special courses:
- Visualization in Scientific Studies by Dr. Bazarov, 32 lecture hours, 7th semester.
- Supercomputer Modeling by Prof. Paskonov and Prof. Lebedev, 32 seminar hours, 5th – 10th semesters.
Main Scientific directions:
- Numerical modeling of viscous fluid flows on the basis of the Navier—Stokes equations.
- Numerical modeling of jet and shock-wave processes on the basis of the Euler equations.
- L.I.Petrova, Integrability and the properties of solutions to Euler and Navier-Stokes equations // Journal of Mathematics Research, vol. 4, no. 3, June 2012. (, ISSN 1916-9795 E-ISSN 1916-9809).
- L.I.Petrova, Physical meaning and a duality of concepts of wave function, action functional, entropy, the Pointing vector, the Einstein tensor // Journal of Mathematics Research, vol. 4, no. 3, June 2012.
- L.I.Petrova, Conservation laws. Mechanism of generation of physical structures // Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting Moscow, 4-7 July 2011. Moscow: BMSTU, pp. 251-256, 2012, (ISBN 9785703835500).
- L.I.Petrova, The noncommutativity of the conservation laws: Mechanism of origination of vorticity and turbulence // International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics vol.2, no. 4, July 2012.
- P.S Batchikov, O.V.Bocharova, and M.G. Lebedev, Flow in the tail interaction region of a spherically symmetrical and a uniform supersonic gas stream // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 2011.
- O.V.Bocharova and M.G. Lebedev, Self-oscillatory regimes of the interaction between supersonic overexpanded lets with barriers // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 2, no. 7, 2011.
- A.V.Popov and K.A.Zhukov, Properties of a solution to a nonstationary flow of a viscous weakly compressible gas // Lithuanian Math. Journal, no. 3, pp. 344-336, 2010.
Recent publications:
• 2013
- Petrova L.I. Skew-symmetric differential forms in mathematics, mathematical physics and field theory. М.: Editorial URSS, 2013. 234 p.
- Petrova L. Role of the conservation laws in evolutionary processes and generation of physical structures // American J. Modern Phys. 2013. 2. N 3. P. 104-110.
- Petrova L. Some remarks to numerical solutions of the equations of mathematical physics // American J. Comput. Math. 2013. 3. N 3. P. 205-210.
- Petrova L.I. Discreteness of the solutions to equations of mathematical physics // Theoretical Mathematics & Applications. 2013. 3. N 3. P. 31-47.
• 2012
- Petrova L.I. Foundations of unified and general field theories // Intern. J. Theor. and Math. Phys. 2012. 2. N 6. P. 1-1.
- Petrova L.I. Integrability and the properties of solutions to Euler and Navier-Stokes equations // J. Math. Research. 2012. 4. N 3. P. 19-28.
- Petrova L.I. Physical meaning and a duality of concepts of wave function, action functional, entropy, the Pointing vector, the Einstein tensor // J. Math. Research. 2012. 4. N 3. P. 78-88.
- Petrova L.I. The noncommutativity of the conservation laws: mechanism of origination of vorticity and turbulence // Intern. J. Theor. and Math. Phys. 2012. 2. N 4. P. 84-90.
- Petrova L.I. Conservation laws. Mechanism of generation of physical structures // Physical Interpretation of Relativity Theory: Proc. of Intern. Scientific Meeting PIRT-2011. М.: Изд-во МГТУ им Н.Э.Баумана, 2012. P. 251-256.