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Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling in Physics

Head of the laboratory: Trofimov Vyacheslav, Professor, Dr.Sc.
Staff members:
- Kurkina Elena, Leading Research Fellow, Dr.Sc.
- Peskov Nikolay, Leading Research Fellow, Dr.Sc.
- Savenkova Nadezhda, Leading Research Fellow, Dr.Sc.
- Varentsova Svetlana, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Dorodnitsyn Ludwig, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Kalachinskaya Irina, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Lysak Tatiana, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Troshchiev Yuriy, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Makeev Aleksey, Research Fellow, PhD
- Semendiayeva Natalia, Research Fellow, PhD
- Shobukhov Andrey, Research Fellow, PhD, Deputy Dean for Relations with foreign universities
- Loginova Maria, Researcher, PhD
- Kuretova Ekaterina, Researcher, PhD
- Shirokov Ivan, Researcher, PhD
- Skladchikov Sergey, Researcher, PhD
- Denisov Anton, Mathematician
Special courses:
Team of the Lab proposes several special courses on various problems of mathematical modeling and developing of numerical methods every semester.
Main Scientific directions
- Developing the conservative finite-difference schemes for various problem of the nonlinear interaction of the laser radiation with the matter.
- Developing the artificial boundary conditions for multi-dimensional differential equations.
- Mathematical modeling of the laser pulse and laser beam interaction with the matter.
- Frequency conversion of a femtosecond laser pulse.
- Optical soliton for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and BEC.
- Laser pulse interaction with a photonic crystal, including the nonlinear case.
- Mathematical modeling of chemical reactions kinetics.
- Developing the computer processing of images captured by passive THz devices with the aim of detecting objects hidden under opaque clothes (counter-terrorism problem).
- Developing methods for detection and identification of a hidden substance (including an explosive or drugs) by using the picoseconds THz pulse passing through or reflecting from the object (counter-terrorism problem);
- Observing quantum effects at the laser pulse and beam propagation.
Lab collaborates with various foreign scientists and staffs of Lab have many joint scientific publications.
Recent papers:
- L.W.Dorodnicyn, Artificial boundary conditions for high-accuracy aeroacoustic algorithms // SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1950-1979, 2010.
- T.G.Elizarova and J.C. Lengrand, Gaseous microflows // Microfluidics. Hoboken, USA: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 25-87, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, M.V.Fedotov, A.G.Volkov, N.V.Tcherniega, V.V.Savranskii and S.Lan, Computer simulation and observation of anomalous light emission from nonlinear photonic crystal with various geometry of its elements // Laser Physics., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1137-1143, 2010.
- R.N.Kuzmin, N.P.Savenkova and A.V.Shobukhov, Exact states in the electrodiffusive model with adsorptive boundary conditions // Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Material Technologies. Ariel, Israel: Ariel University Center of Samaria, pp. 140-146, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, T.M.Lysak and O.V.Matusevich, Influence of transverse perturbation of soliton propagation direction on laser radiation evolution along the layered medium // Photonic Crystal Fibers IV. N 7714. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, pp. 10-24, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, 2D THZ signature for detection and identification of hidden substances and substances in the mixture // Proc. of the Intern. Conf. "Terahertz and Other Electromagnetic Wave Techniques for Defense and Security". New York, USA: Springer, pp. 1-10, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, 2D THz signature for substance identification // Active and Passive Signatures. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7687, pp. 7-19, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, Detection of explosive under covering soap using the THz spectral dynamics analysis // Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Basic Research and Practical Applications. Turunc-Marmaris, Turkey: IEEE Xplore Digital library, pp. 83-84, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, Jian Chen, 2D THz and GHz signature for identification of explosive on reflected THz signal // Infrared, Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technologies. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7854, pp. 7-24, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, Jian Chen, Identification of explosive using the spectrum dynamics of reflected THz and GHz radiation // Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology III. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7837, pp. 37-51, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov and S.A.Varentsova, Jian Chen, Method of THz spectrum dynamics analysis for identification of compound medium // Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems IV: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defense. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7671, pp. 45-57, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, S.A.Varentsova, A.Krotkus and G.Molis, Identification of substance in complicated mixture of simulants under the action of THz radiation on the base of SDA (Spectral Dynamics Analysis) method // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VI and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VII. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7838, pp. 22-41, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, A.G. Volkov and S.Lan, Optical switching elements based on layered nonlinear photonic crystal // In “Active Photonic Materials III.” Eds. Ganapathi S. Subramania, Stavroula Foteinopoulou. Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 77756, P.78541B (11 pages), 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, T.M.Lysak, O.V.Matysevich and S.Lan, Parameter Control of Optical Soliton in one-dimensional Photonic Crystal // Mathematical modeling and analysis, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 517-532, 2010.
- V.A.Trofimov, T.M.Lysak, and S.Lan, Multistable mode of second harmonic generation in photonic crystal with combined nonlinear response // Optical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 084201, 2011.
- T.G.Elizarova and O.V. Bulatov, Regularized shallow water equations and a new method of simulation of the open channel flows // Computers and Fluids, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 206-211, 2011.
- H.-Y.Liu, S.Liang, Q.-F.Dai, L.-J.Wu, Sh.Lan, A.V.Gopal, V.A.Trofimov and T.M.Lysak, Transmission of terahertz wave through one-dimensional photonic crystals containing single and multiple metallic defects // J. Appl. Phys., vol. 110, no. 7, pp. 101-109, 2011.
- A.V.Shobukhov and D.S.Maximov, Mathematical models of symmetrical diffusive layers in porous electrodes // J. Materials Sci. and Engineering A., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 592-597, 2011.
- C.Vandekerckhove, B.Sonday, A.Makeev, D.Roose and I.Kevrekidis, A common approach to the computation of coarse-scale steady states and to consistent initialization on a slow manifold // Computers & Chemical Engineering., vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1949-1958, 2011.
- E.S.Kurkina, Modeling global spatial-temporal evolution of society: hyperbolic rrowth and historical cycles // Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings., N.Y.: Springer, no. 1389, pp. 1019-1022, 2011.
- N.Lvova, I.Shirokov, A.Useinov and K.Gogolinskiy, Surface image processing algorithms in scanning probe microscopy and nanohardness measurements // Proc. of The World Congress on Engineering 2011. London, U.K.: Cambridge Intern. Sci. Publ., no. II, pp. 1577-1582, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, A.D.Denisov, Z.Huang and H.Han, Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for 2D nonlinear Schrodinger equation // CMMSE 2011: Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. Benidorm, Spain: University of Benidorm, no. I, pp. 1150-1156, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov and M.M.Loginova, Finite-difference schemes for a two-dimensional problem of femtosecond pulse interaction with semiconductor // CMMSE 2011: Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. Benidorm, Spain: University of Benidorm, no. IV, pp. 1641-1651, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov and T.M.Lysak, Catastrophic self-focusing of axially symmetric laser beams due to cascading SHG // Laser Optics 2010. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 7822, pp. 7822-7833, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov and T.M.Lysak, Two waves interaction in layered photonic structure at big phase mismatching // Advances in Optical Thin Films IV. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8168, pp. 20-29, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov and O.V.Matusevich, The effects similar to quantum teleportation and superluminality at propagating of laser pulse in medium with combined nonlinear response // Active Photonic Materials IV. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8095, pp. 55-65, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, O.V.Matusevich and D.A.Smotrov, Mode of propagation of optical radiation with self-similar pulse shape in layered medium with nonlinear absorption // Active Photonic Materials IV. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8095, pp. 36-47, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov and N.V.Peskov, About possibility of eliminating the influence of water vapour on the detection and identification of substance at using the THz laser pulse // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications II. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8119, pp. 41-55, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, N.V.Peskov and Sh.Lan, Localization of laser pulse and slow light propagation in nonlinear photonic crystal // Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications V. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8120, pp. 6-17, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, V.V.Trofimov, Chao Deng, Yuan-meng Zhao, Cun-lin Zhang and Xin Zhang, Possible way for increasing the quality of imaging from THz passive device // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8189, pp. 42-52, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, V.V.Trofimov and N.V.Levitskiy, Up- and down-conversion at three-wave interaction in medium with combined nonlinear response // Nonlinear Optics and Applications V. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8071, pp. 6-17, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, S.A.Varentsova, N.Palka, M.Szustakowski and T.Trzcinski, The method of the spectral dynamics analysis of reflected signal for problem of identification of substance // Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems V: Advance Applications in Industry and Defense. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8023, pp. 21-33, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, S.A.Varentsova, N.Palka, M.Szustakowski, T.Trzcinski, Sh.Lan Sh. and H.-Y.Liu, An influence of the absolute phase of THz pulse on linear and nonlinear medium response // Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Terahertz Wave Technologies and Applications. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8195, pp. 43-54, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, S.A.Varentsova, N.Palka, M.Szustakowski and T.Trzcinski, Efficiency of the detection of explosive using the spectral dynamics analysis of reflected signal // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8189, pp. 25-40, 2011.
- V.A.Trofimov, S.A.Varentsova, C.Zhang, J.Shen, Q.Zhou and Y.Shi, 2D signature for identification of drugs // Active and Passive Signatures II. Proc. of SPIE. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, no. 8040, pp. 7-18, 2011.
Recent publications:
• 2013
- Deng Hai-Dong, Guang-Can Li, Dai Qiao-Feng, Ouyang Min, Lan Sheng, Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Size dependent competition between second harmonic generation and two-photon luminescence observed in gold nanoparticles // Nanotechnology. 2013. 24. N 7. P. 11-18.
- Elizarova T.G., Kalachinskaya I.S., Milyukova O.Yu. Mathematical modeling of thermal convection in a 3D model of the "DAKON" convection sensor // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2013. 23. N 1. P. 23-33.
- Lvova N.A., Kravchuk K.S., Shirokov I.A. Algorithms for processing scratch images in the sclerometry method // Physics of the Solid State. 2013. 55. N 8. P. 1681-1689.
- Makeev A.G., Peskov N.V. The reduction of NO by CO under oxygen-rich conditions in a fixed-bed catalytic reactor: A mathematical model that can explain the peculiar behavior // Appl. Catalysis B: Environmental. 2013. 132. P. 151-161.
- Savenkova N.P., Skladchikov S.A., Yusupaliev U., Shuteyev S., Yelensky V.G. Computer simulation of vortex self-maintenance and amplification // Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2013. 68. N 4. P. 317-319.
- Shobukhov A.V., Koibuchi H. Crumpled-to tubule transition and shape transformations of a model of self-avoiding spherical meshwork // Intern. J. Modern Phys. C. 2013. 24. N 9. P. 1-14.
- Zhang C., Yao J., Lan S., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Effects of plasma confinement on the femtosecond laser ablation of silicon // Opt. Commun. 2013. 308. N 1. P. 54-63.
- Zhang C.Y., Yao J.W., Li C.Q., Dai Q.F., Lan Sh., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Asymmetric femtosecond laser ablation of silicon surface governed by the evolution of surface nanostructures // Optics Express. 2013. 21. N 4. P. 4439-4446.
- Trofimov V.A. Effective criteria of the detection and identification of mixture substances by using reflected THz pulse // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8846. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 15-26.
- Trofimov V.A. Spectral lines dynamics as an effective tool for the identification of substance using reflected THz signal // Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems VII: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defence. Proc. of SPIE. N 8716. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 21-39.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D. Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for 2D shrodinger equation // Numerical Analysis and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. N 8236. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. P. 509-516.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D. Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for Schrodinger equation taking into account first order dispersion of laser pulse and diffraction of laser beam // Proc. of IEEE East-West Design&Test Symposium (EWDTS-2013). Kharkov, Ukraine: Kharkov national university of radioelectronics, 2013. P. 125-128.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D., Fedotov M.V., Prokopenko A.S. Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for Schrodinger equation with non-instantaneous nonlinearity // Proc. of Intern. Conf. PIERS 2013. Stockholm, Sweden: JORCEP, 2013. P. 648-652.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D., Fedotov M.V., Prokopenko A.S. Adaptive artificial boundary conditions for schrodinger equation with non-instantaneous nonlinearity // Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Stockholm Proceedings. Cambridge, UK: The Electromagnetics Academy, 2013. P. 648-652.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D., Tikhomirov V.V. Experimental realization of SDA-method for the detection of substance at long distance // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence IX. Proc. of SPIE. N 8901. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 50-69.
- Trofimov V.A., Loginova M.M., Egorenkov V.A. 2D wave structure induced by femtosecond laser pulse in semiconductor // Proc. of 2013 Intern. Conf. on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL). Kharkiv, Ukraine: Kharkiv national university, 2013. P. 296-298.
- Trofimov V.A., Loginova M.M., Egorenkov V.A. Conservative finite-difference schemes for 2D problem of femtosecond pulse propagation in semiconductor // Proc. of the 13th Intern. Conf. CMMSE 2013. N 5. Almeria, Spain: Universidad de Salamanca, 2013. P. 1767-1776.
- Trofimov V.A., Loginova M.M., Egorenkov V.A. Laser-induced 2D periodic structures of charged particles concentration in semiconductor under the condition of optical bistability existence // Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VII. Proc. of SPIE. N 8847. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 31-43.
- Trofimov V.A., Matusevich O.V., Shirokov I.A, Fedotov M.V. Performance of multicore and multiprocessor computers for some 3D problems of nonlinear optics and gaseous dynamics // Inverse Problems and Large-Scale Computations. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. N 52. N.Y., USA: Springer, 2013. P. 91-112.
- Trofimov V.A., Matusevich O.V., Shirokov I.A., Fedotov M.V. Performance of multicore and multiprocessor computers for some 3d problems of nonlinear optics and gaseous dynamics // Inverse Problems and Large-scale Computation. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. N 52. N.Y., USA: Springer, 2013. P. 91-112.
- Trofimov V.A., Mishanov I.V. Reflection and propagation of laser pulse with a few cycles in medium with time-dependent dielectric permittivity // Nonlinear Optics and Applications VII. Proc. of SPIE. N 8772. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 1101-1110.
- Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V., Kuchik I.E. Expanded opportunities of THz passive camera for the detection of concealed objects // Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology VI. Proc. of SPIE. N 8900. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 21-34.
- Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A. Effective criteria for the identification of substance using the spectral lines dynamics of reflected THz signal // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8901. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 21-41.
- Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Szustakowski M., Palka N. Influence of surface of explosive on its detection and identification using the SDA method for analysis of the reflected THz signal // Active and Passive Signatures IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8734. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 422-444.
- Trofimov V.A., Zakharova I.G., Smotrov D.A., Lan Sh. Self-similar pulse shape mode for femtosecond pulse propagation in optical fiber with multi-photon absorption and nonlinear refraction // Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres II. Proc. of SPIE. N 8775. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2013. P. 101-114.
• 2012
- Bychkov V.L., Savenkova N.P., Anpilov S.V., Troshchiev Y.V. Modeling of vorticle objects created in Gatchina discharge // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. 2012. 40. N 12. P. 1-1.
- Dorodnitsyn L.V. Nonreflecting boundary conditions for one-dimensional problems of viscous gas dynamics // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2012. 23. N 4. P. 408-438.
- Elizarova T.G., Istomina M.A., Shelkovnikov N.K. Numerical simulation of solitary wave generation in a wind-water annular tunnel // Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2012. 4. N 6. P. 552-559.
- Elizarova T.G., Kalachinskaya I.S., Milyukova O.Yu. Mathematical modeling of thermal convection in a 3D model of the "DAKON" convection sensor // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2012. 23. N 1. P. 23-33.
- Elizarova T.G., Shirokov I.A. Numerical simulation of a nonstationary flow in the vicinity of a hypersonic vehicle // Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2012. 4. N 4. P. 410-418.
- Dai J., Fu Z.C., Lan S., Wan X., Tie S.-L., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Modified threshold of two-photon-pumped random lasing of ZnO nanorods by femtosecond laser ablation // J. Appl. Phys. 2012. 112. N 6. P. 631-637.
- Deng H.D., Li G.C., Dai Q.-F., Ouyang M., Lan S., Gopal A.V., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Role of interfering optical fields in the trapping and melting of gold nanorods and related clusters // Optics Express. 2012. 20. N 10. P. 1096-1097.
- Deng H.D., Li G.C., Liu H.-Y., Dai Q.-F., Wu L.-J., Lan Sh., Gopal A.V., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Assembling of three-dimensional crystals by optical depletion force induced by a single focused laser beam // Optics Express. 2012. 20. N 9. P. 9616-9623.
- Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Strong self-focusing of axial symmetric laser beam due to quadratic nonlinearity // J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 2012. 29. N 7. P. 1731-1743.
- Yao J.W., Zhang C.Y., Liu H.-Y., Dai Q.-F., Wu L.-J., Lan S., Gopal A.V., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. High spatial frequency periodic structures induced on metal surface by femtosecond laser pulses // Optics Express. 2012. 20. N 2. P. 905-911.
- Zhang C.Y., Yao J.W., Liu H.-Y., Dai Q.-F., Wu L.-J., Lan Sh., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Colorizing silicon surface with regular nanohole arrays induced by femtosecond laser pulses // Optics Letters. 2012. 37. N 6. P. 1106-1108.
- Fu Z.C., Dai J., Liu H.-Y., Dai Q.-F., Wu L.-J., Lan Sh., Tie S.-L., Wan X., Gopal A.V., Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Femtosecond laser ablation of ZnO nanorods for two-photon-pumped random lasing and optical data storage // Appl. Phys. B: Lasers and Optics. 2012. 108. N 1. P. 61-66.
- Hai-Ying Liu, Qiao-Feng Dai, Wu Li-Jun, Sheng Lan, Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A. Effects of p-type doping on the optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots // Solid State Commun. 2012. 152. N 5. P. 435-439.
- Kurkina E.S., Kuretova E.D. General regularities of the distribution of cities by population // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2012. 23. N 3. P. 297-311.
- Kurkina E.S., Makeev A.G. Mathematical modeling of oscillations in a Lotka reaction on a catalyst surface // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2012. 23. N 4. P. 439-460.
- Kurkina E.S., Semendyaeva N.L. Mathematical modeling of spatial-temporal structures in a heterogeneous catalytic system // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. 2012. 23. N 2. P. 133-157.
- Kuzmin R.N., Maximov D.S., Savenkova N.P., Shobukhov A.V. Mathematical modeling of hysteresis in porous electrodes // J. Math. Chemistry. 2012. 50. N 9. P. 2471-2477.
- Makeev A.G., Kurkina E.S., Kevrekidis I.G. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of travelling pulses and spiral waves in the lattice Lotka-Volterra model // Chaos. 2012. 22. N 2. P. 1-12.
- Makeev A.G., Peskov N.V., Yanagihara H. Modeling of the catalytic removal of CO and NO under lean-burn conditions: Can there be too much catalyst? // Appl. Catalysis B: Environmental. 2012. 119. P. 273-278.
- Peskov N.V., Slinko M.M., Bychkov V.Yu, Korchak V.N. Mathematical modelling of oscillatory behaviour during methane oxidation over palladium catalysts // Chem. Eng. Science. 2012. 84. P. 684-694.
- Trofimov V. A., Varentsova S. A., Szustakowski M., Palka N. Detection and identification of compound explosive using the SDA method of the reflected THz signal // Active and Passive Signatures III. Proc. of SPIE. N 8382. Billingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 10-25.
- Trofimov V.A., Denisov A.D. Conservative finite-difference scheme for the problem of laser pulse propagation in a medium with third-order dispersion // Proc. of IEEE East-West Design&Test Symposium (EWDTS'2012). Kharkov, Ukraine: Proc. of Kharkov University, 2012. P. 225-228.
- Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Anomalous giant soliton formation near boundary of nonlinear layered PC and its propagation across the PC // Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices X. Proc. of SPIE. N 8425. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 8121-8132.
- Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M. Strong self-focusing of laser beam in a medium with quadratic nonlinear response // Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VI. Proc. of SPIE. N 8497. Belingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 8445-8459.
- Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M., Lan Sh. Influence of absorption spectrum width of nanorods on TPA of femtosecond laser pulse // Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IX. Proc. of SPIE. N 8463. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 6324-6336.
- Trofimov V.A., Lysak T.M., Lan Sh. Influence of ellipticity of nanorods on both TPA of femtosecond laser pulse and transformation of pulse spectrum // Nanophotonics IV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8424. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 3501-3513.
- Trofimov V.A., Palka N., Trofimov V.V., Kowalski M. Increasing the instrumental resolution of a commercially available passive THz camera due to computer Treatment of image // Proc. of "5th Global Symp. on Millimeter-Waves (GSMM2012)". Harbin, China: Univ. of Harbin, 2012. P. 427-431.
- Trofimov V.A., Peskov N.V. Detection and identification of substance (explosive, drugs) using the dynamics of spectral lines distorted by influence of ambient medium // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications II. Proc. of SPIE. N 8496. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 675-687.
- Trofimov V.A., Peskov N.V., Kirillov D.A. Efficiency of using correlation function for estimation of probability of substance detection on the base of THz spectral dynamics // Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications III. Proc. of SPIE. N 8496. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 4961-4974.
- Trofimov V.A., Rozantsev A.V. 2D soliton formation of BEC at its interaction with external potential // Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VI. Proc. of SPIE. N 8497. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 576-589.
- Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V. Real-time computer processing of image from THz passive imaging device for improving of images // Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology. Proc. of SPIE. N 8544. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 8544-8555.
- Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V. Real-time computer treatment of THz passive device images with the high image quality // Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XV. Proc. of SPIE. N 8362. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 8231-8243.
- Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V., Kuchik I.E., Yuan-meng Zhao, Chao Deng, Xin Zhang. Computer processing of image captured by the passive THz imaging device as an effective tool for its de-noising // Infrared, Millimeter-Wave, and Terahertz Technologies II. Proc. of SPIE. N 8562. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 621-6235.
- Trofimov V.A., Trofimov V.V., Palka N., Kowalski M. Increasing the quality of image of a commercially available passive THz camera due to computer processing of image // Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence. Proc. of SPIE. N 8546. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 4601-4614.
- Trofimov V.A., Varentsova S.A., Szustakowski M., Palka N. Efficiency of the detection and identification of ceramic explosive using the reflected THz signal // Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems VI: Advance Applications in Industry and Defense. Proc. of SPIE. N 8363. Billingham, USA: SPIE, 2012. P. 1-15.