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Laboratory of Computing Practice Software

Head of the laboratory: Gulyaev Anatoly, Associate Professor, PhD, Vice Dean for information technologies
The Laboratory of Computing Practice Software was founded in 1988. The main task of the Laboratory is to support the student computing practice at CMC Faculty.
Staff members:
- Vinogradova Tatiana, Leading Programmer
- Zheltikova Albina, Leading Electronic
- Kazakova Galina, Leading Electronic
- Pokrovskaya Tatiana, Electronic
- Trushkova Victoria, Engineer
- Raevsky Evgeny, Engineer
- Zheltkov Dmitry, Engineer
- Kruglyanskaya Svetlana, Educational Master
- Borisov Avgust, Educational Master
- Tretiakova Elena, Educational Master
- Malakhova Olga, Laboratory Assistant
- Chaykovskaya Yulia, Laboratory Assistant
- Snesarev Maxim, Laboratory Assistant