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Laboratory of Ternary Informatics

Head of the laboratory: vacancy
The Laboratory was created in 1958 initially in the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (MSU). In 1970 the Laboratory became a part of the newly created Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. Currently, the Laboratory is the part of the Department of Automation of Computing Systems. All these years, the Laboratory is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) Nikolay Brusentsov.
The unique ternary computers "Setun" (1958) and "Setun 70" (1970), still unmatched in the world were created by the Laboratory’s team. Other achievements of the Laboratory are automated training system "Nastavnik" (1974) and the interactive system of structured programming DSSP.
Staff members:
- Maslov Sergey, Leading Research Fellow, PhD
- Ramil Alvarez Jose, Leading Research Fellow, PhD
- Vladimirova Julia, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Rozin Vladilen, Engineer
- Tishulina Antonina, Engineer
Regular courses:
- Ternary informatics by Dr. Vladimirova, 36 lecture hours, 7th semester.
Main Scientific directions
The current line of research is the development and implementation approach to informatics and didactics. The main results are the computerization of the Boolean algebra, the dialectical tenet of Heraclitus-Aristotle.
The development of a computer system for analyzing reasoning by a three-valued generalization of the Boolean algebra (supervisors: Lead. R. F. Brusentsov N., corresponding member of RAS Lev Korolev).
The principal result is the establishment of the cause of inexpressibility in modern mathematical logic of the fundamental necessary consequence relation, "naturally" substituting the paradoxical "material implication". A complete expression of the necessary sequence as a disjunctive normal form is provided by three-valued generalization of the disjunction which consists in the fact that (by an analogy with the conjunction of) elimination of their members means their inessentiality, and their exclusion of the index “0” – “nullity” of Lewis Carroll.
The consequence relation x y in thus improved Boolean algebra can be represented by the expression (x y)(y' x') = xy xy'0 x'y' in which a member of the inessential x'y is eliminated.
Also the development of ternary computing algorithms and research of possibilities of economical technical realization of Ternary computers are being conducted.
Recent papers:
- N.P.Brusentsov and J.Ramil Alvarez, Ternary computers: The Setun and the Setun 70 // Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. First IFIP WG 9.7 Conf. N.Y., USA: Springer, pp. 74-80, 2011.
- N.P.Brusentsov and J.S.Vladimirova, Ternary dialectical informatics // Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. First IFIP WG 9.7 Conf. N.Y., USA: Springer, pp. 81-88, 2011.