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The Computer Systems Laboratory

Head of the laboratory: Smelyansky Ruslan, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Dr.Sc.
The Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) is an academic department within the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Moscow State University.
CSL was established in 1982. Now it consists of 12 full-time academic staff members, 12 software engineering staff members, 5 supporting staff members, 5 PhD students and 60 graduate students. Research performed in CSL encompasses the performance analysis and simulation of distributed computer systems, software verification, development of scheduling and optimization algorithms, IT security for embedded systems and computer networks.
Staff members
- Bakhmurov Anatoly, Senior Research Fellow, PhD
- Kostenko Valery, Leading Research Fellow, PhD
- Balashov Vasily, Research Fellow, PhD
- Chistolinov Maxim, Researcher
- Chemeritsky Evgeny, Researcher
- Shalimov Alexander, Researcher, PhD
- Antonenko Vitaly, Researcher
- Miroshnikova Olga, Programmer
- Balakhnov Vadim, Programmer
- Vasyukov Alexey, Programmer
- Glonina Alevtina, Programmer
- Gerasev Alexander, Engineer
- Kosacheva Svetlana, Engineer
Graduate Courses
- Computer Networks by Prof. Ruslan Smelyansky
- Software Model Checking by Konstantin Savenkov
Master courses
- Designing corporate networks by Andrey Petukhov
- Risk management in corporate IT Security by Andrey Petukhov
- IT security audit by Denis Gamayunov
- IT infrastructure management by Dmitry Kozlov
Main Scientific directions
Laboratory of Computational Systems was established in 1984 and was the first research laboratory in the field of Information Technology in the structure of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty of Moscow State University. The main focus of Laboratory’s research is the behavior of programs in distributed computing environments. The main research directions are: the development of methods for analyzing the functioning of integrated systems, management of complex technical objects, structural synthesis and scheduling algorithms, methods of programs’ verification.
The work that develops methods and tools for analyzing the functioning of embedded computing systems include creation of the theory of operation for such systems, methods of governing frequency response behavior of programs, methods of evaluation run-time programs, including the problem of estimating their worst time, the development of methods and tools for modeling embedded systems, including specification of their behavior and description of models components of an embedded system, implementation of these models, including real-time one and those that are implemented in cooperation with "the iron" devices (the scaled-down modeling), recording, analysis and display of events in the system, methods of analyzing simulation results, including methods for fuzzy search and advanced regular expressions, methods for evaluating the reliability of embedded computing systems, including methods of extracting faults.
In the area of structural synthesis and scheduling algorithms, the Laboratory conducts the following activities: development of methods, algorithms and tools for constructing schedules for computing real-time systems (construction execution schedules for application programs, schedules, exchange, joint planning calculations and exchanges), the development of methods, algorithms and tools of a structural synthesis of real-time computing systems for a given set of applications (the choice of the number and types of computational modules built in the exchanges), the synthesis of computing real-time systems with constraints on their reliability, designing a methodology and tools for the "construction" of the specialized algorithms for solving problems of combinatorial optimization, the development of methods and tools for an automatic construction of recognizers for pre-emergency modes of operation of complex engineering systems with the training set (including systems that participate in the management of people).
In the area of the study and application of program verification, the Laboratory conducts the following activities: a study of approaches that use methods for verifying complex systems (verification of parameterized systems models, verification of systems with an infinite number of states), the development and application of the static program analysis, in particular, for security analysis of web applications that provides verification of the embedded software in accordance with accepted standards.
Laboratory’s results have been implemented in the Sukhoi Design Bureau (JSC), the Central Research Institute of Applications (a semi-natural simulation, the computer-aided design of exchanges by channels with a centralized control, verification of the flight software), RC Module (simulation of the environment and development of programs for processor-based systems NeuroMatrix), OAO NIIVK named after M.A.Kartsev (tools for an automatic construction of recognizers for pre-emergency modes of operation in technical systems with the training set). The Laboratory is working to create a national platform for developing embedded systems with an open source (under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation).
The Information Systems Laboratory was in 1992 and later affiliated with CSL. The main research areas are the following:
- Network monitoring and auditing of information systems.
- Detection of intrusions and their prevention.
- Finding software vulnerabilities in information systems.
- Detection of a malicious software.
- Semantic content analysis.
Monitoring of the activity of objects on a computer network can be accomplished for different purposes. For example, it can solve the problem of quantitative and qualitative account of the network activity (the passive audit) for network management systems, billing systems, etc.; it can control this activity in accordance with a prescribed set of rules (the active audit) for the automation of a management information system (the control policy security), etc. Audit data can then be used to obtain information about the behavior of network objects that helps to analyze it, to detect and prevent intrusions, as well as to search for software vulnerabilities of the Resource Information System. In these directions of the Laboratory’s activity the following research is conducted.
- Methods for the system detection based on the analysis of the network objects behavior, using a grammatical approach proposed at the Laboratory are developed.
- The software environment of a high-speed network traffic analysis for problems of the information security (used in several R&D for the purposes of information security and intrusion detection in networks) is created.
- Monitoring of the applications’ behavior by the operating system using grammatical approach for its description is established.
- Algorithms for detecting a malicious executable code in the network traffic that can be used for the early detection and prevention of the malicious software expansion in the Internet are developed.
- Methods and means of forecasting epidemics in the Internet are created.
- The stability of scripting languages which are often used to create web services (such as PHP, ASP.NET, JavaScript, etc.) to the emergence of various software vulnerabilities in the projected services, and automation of the vulnerability scan on a source code of web- services it one of these languages, are investigated.
Results of all this research were used in a system for monitoring the activity on the network facilities, for detecting intrusions and their prevention (Monitoring-FAR) which has been certified for use by the state government bodies.
Recent papers of CSL:
- A.G.Bakhmurov, V.V.Balashov, V.N.Pashkov, R.L.Smeliansky and D.V.Volkanov, Method For Choosing An Effective Set Of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms For Real-Time Embedded Systems, Based On Simulation Modeling, Problems of dependability and modeling, eds. Jacek Mazurkiewicz // Wroslaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Polithechniki Wroclawskiej, pp.13-26, 2011.
- A.V.Shalimov and R.L.Smelianskiy, Based On Frequency Characteristics of Programs Behavior For Embedded Systems // Proc. 4th EUCASS European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011.
- V.V.Balashov, A.G.Bakhmurov, A.B.Glonina, V.N.Pashkov and R.L.Smeliansky, Simulation Modeling Based Method For Choosing An Effective Set Of Fault Tolerance Techniques For Real-Time Avionics Systems // Proc. 4th EUCASS European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011.
- V.V.Balashov, A.G.Bakhmurov, V.A.Balakhanov, M.V.Chistolinov, P.E.Shestov and R.L.Smeliansky, Tools For Monitoring Data Exchange In Real-Time Avionics Systems // Proc. 4th EUCASS European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011.
- A.V.Shalimov, The Method of Programs Compression Base on the Frequency Characteristics of Programs Behaviour // Proccedings of SYRCoSE-2010, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2010.
- E.V.Chemeritskiy and K.O.Savenkov, Formalization and Enforcement of Requirements to Modular Discrete-Event Simulation Runtime // Proceedings of SYRCoSE-2010, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2010.
- D.Kovalenko and V.Kostenko, A Genetic Algorithm for Construction of Recognizers of Anomalies in Behaviour of Dynamical Systems // Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, China: IEEE Press, pp. 258-263, 2010.
- V.Prus and I.Ruchkin, Single-window integrated development environment // Proceedings of SYRCoSE-2010, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2010.
- K.O.Savenkov and G.S.Telegin, Efficient and Safe Algorithm for Moving Along a Given Route in City Traffic // Proceedings of World Automotive Congress (FISITA-2010). Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
- K.O.Savenkov and D.Yu.Zhbankov, Scenario-Based Approach to Backtesting Trading Systems // Proceedings of World Finance Conference (WFC-2010), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2010.
- V.V.Balashov, V.A.Balakhanov, V.A.Kostenko, V.A.Kokarev and P.E.Shestov, A Technology for Scheduling Data Exchange over Bus with a Centralized Control in Onboard Avionics Systems // Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 224, no G9, pp. 993-1004, 2010.
- I.V.Konnov and V.A.Zakharov, An invariant-based approach to the verification of asynchronous parameterized networks // Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Issue on Invariant Generation and Advanced Techniques for Reasoning about Loops, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1144-1162, 2010.
- I.V.Konnov and V.A.Zakharov, Using Adaptive Symmetry Reduction for LTL Model Checking // In: Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems, vol. 17, no 4, pp. 78 – 87, 2010, (Russian).
- I.V.Konnov, Application of Weaker Simulations to Parameterized Model Checking by Network Invariants // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1 — 9, 2010.
- I.V.Konnov, CheAPS: a Checker of Asynchronous Parameterized Systems // Third International Workshop on Invariant Generation (WING 2010) affiliated with IJCAR at FLoC 2010, Edinburgh, July, 2010.
- I.V.Konnov and V.A.Zakharov, Using Adaptive Symmetry Reduction for LTL Model Checking // International Workshop on Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (PSSV 2010) affiliated with CSR 2010. Kazan, June, 2010.
- I.V.Konnov and O.A.Letichevsky Jr., Model Checking GARP Protocol using Spin and VRS // International Workshop on Automata, Algorithms, and Information Technologies. Kiev, May, 2010.
Recent publications:
• 2013
- Kostenko V.A. Scheduling algorithms for real-time computing systems admitting simulation models // Programming and Computer Software. 2013. 39. N 5. P. 255-267.
- Kostenko V.A., Shcherbinin V.V. Training methods and algorithms for recognition of nonlinearly distorted phase trajectories of dynamic systems // Optical Memory & Neural Networks (Information Optics). 2013. 22. N 1. P. 8-20.
- Smeleansky R.L. Model of distributed computing system operation with time // Programming and Computer Software. 2013. 39. N 5. P. 233-241.
- Smeleansky R.L., Bakhmurov A.G. Problems of instrumental support for the development of distributed embedded real time systems // Programming and Computer Software. 2013. 39. N 5. P. 221-232.
- Smeleansky R.L., Volkanov D.Y., Bakhmurov A.G,, Shemeritsky E.V. Integrated environment for the analysis and design of distributed real-time embedded computing systems // Programming and Computer Software. 2013. 39. N 5. P. 242-254.
- Smelуansky R.L., Antonenko V.A. Simulation of malicious activity in wide area networks // Programming and Computer Software. 2013. 39. N 1. P. 25-33.
- Bakhmurov A.G., Balashov V.V., Pashkov V.N., Smelуansky R.L., Volkanov D.Y., Glonina A.B. Simulation modeling based method for choosing an effective set of fault tolerance mechanisms for real-time avionics systems // Progress in Fight Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, Control, Fault Detection and Avionics. N 6. France: Torus Press, 2013. P. 487-500.
- Kostenko V.A., Shcherbinin V.V. A modification of training and recognition algorithms for recognition of abnormal behavior of dynamic systems 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2013) // Proc. of the 5th Intern. Joint Conf. on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2013). Vilamoura, Portugal: SCITEPRESS, 2013. P. 103-110.
• 2012
- Kostenko V.A., Shestov P.E. A greedy algorithm for combined scheduling of computations and data exchanges in real time systems // J. Computer and Systems Sci. Intern. 2012. 51. N 5. P. 648–662.
- Zorin D.A., Kostenko V.A. Algorithm for synthesis of real-time systems under reliability constraints // J. Computer and Systems Sci. Intern. 2012. 51. N 3. P. 410-417.
- Shestov P.E., Kostenko V.A., Balashov V.V. Scheduling problems in embedded real-time systems // Proc. of 11th IFAC/IEEE Intern. Conf. on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems (PDeS 2012). Brno, Czech Republik: Brno University of Technology Czech Repablic, 2012. P. 302-306.
- Smeliyanskiy R.L., Shalimov A.V. The method of program compaction for real-time applications // Advances in AeroSpace Sciences. EUCASS Proc. Series. N 6. М.: Torus Press, 2012. P. 1-1.
- Zorin D.A., Kostenko V.A. Co-design of reall-time embedded systems under reliability constraints // Proc. of 11th IFAC/IEEE Intern. Conf. on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems (PDeS 2012). Brno, Czech Republic: Brno University of Technology Czech Repablic, 2012. P. 392-396.